Category Archives: Stillness

Don’t Stay Blind

If there is no meditation, then you are like a blind man in a world of great beauty, light and colour.J Krishnamurthi

what is meditation?

Meditation is different things to different people. According to Krishnamurthi meditation is when you achieve a certain quality of mind. A mind that’s virginal, without preconceptions of any kind, and one that can perceive things just as they are.

deep perception

The goal of meditation is to stay mindful and enjoy the fruits of meditation at anytime and at all times. When that happens, we gain a deep perception of life and the participants therein. When we see the rain drop falling on a solitary leaf, we hear the sound of it, we see the splash in all it’s colorful beauty and we notice the leaf shiver as it receives the perfect drop of pure water into its bosom. Our perception of the world is now at a very deep level. We aren’t blind anymore.

Recommendation: The Power of Now & The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentThe Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Relationship Success

The secret of many a man’s success in the world resides in his insight into the moods of men and his tact in dealing with them.J. G. Holland

looking deeper

We’re so often embedded in our own self, in our own world view, that we never pause to look, really look into someone’s eyes, into their soul itself. If we did that we would know much better what plagues or what drives the other individual, imagine how powerful that would be?

how though?

Practice is necessary. I often intend to listen deeply, but often forget. We ought to build a habit of it. Also we must be patient and receptive ourselves. We can be so if we’re calm, breathing easy and listening at very deep levels.

Recommendation: Awakening of Intelligence & Co-Active Coaching

Awakening of Intelligence, TheCo-Active Coaching, 2nd Edition: New Skills for Coaching People Toward Success in Work and, LifeKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Art of Creating

Silence is a receptive space.Barbara De Angelis

be still

Creation comes from silence. There’s a pause, a space between each of our thoughts. Pay attention to that space. That’s where creativity springs from. Which is why it’s important for us to be in control of our thoughts and not let them be the usual runaway kind. Be still and allow for creativity to occur!


Here’s a stillness practice. Meditation Tip #6:

  • Breathe 3 deep breaths. Each inhalation should be from the nose. Hold each breath for a few comfortable seconds Breathe out slowly through your mouth. The exhalation should take about twice as long as the inhalation.
  • Now just sit. Relax into your seat. Focus on each muscle (like on your shoulders, legs etc.) and allow them to relax.
  • Just be. And watch your thoughts. Notice how a thought might come up, like ‘Hey when I get up I must call my mom’, accept the thought, do not hop in and complete the thought, just become aware of it and let it go.
  • As you do more of the just ‘being’. You’ll become peaceful and alert. When you find yourself in a state of relaxed alertness, you’re then in the present ‘Now’ moment. Enjoy!

Recommendation: Your Present: A Half-Hour of Peace: A Guide…

Your Present: A Half-Hour of Peace: A Guided Imagery Meditation for Physical & Spiritual WellnessKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Path To Wisdom

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.Lord Buddha

what’s the way forward?

It’s the path that leads to most happiness for you and those around you. That way can only be discovered through wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing thyself. Which in turn is accelerated by meditation!

the thing to do

Is to just be. Learn how to do that via meditation or stillness. Look here.

Recommendation: An Introduction to Zen Buddhism

An Introduction to Zen BuddhismKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Power To Just Be…

What is life if, full of care; We have no time to stand and stare?W.H. Davies

must figure it out

We lead a hypnotic existence most moments in the day. What does that mean? We’re lost in our thoughts, trying to figure everything out. What to buy, how to deal with certain individuals, what does s/he think of me, I’m over weight, I must do this or that….

just be

Notice your breath, know that you can rest and just life be. You can decide to be instead of do. Notice how that can be so relaxing, when you can flow with the river that life is and not care or worry. You owe it to yourself.

Recommendation: The Art of Being

The Art of BeingKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

We Yearn For The Peace

We yearn for a moment’s peace and quiet, only to turn on the radio, make a phone call, or run an errand as soon as an opportunity for solitude presents itself.Ronnie Polaneczky

why do we move constantly?

We fill our life with motion. Incessantly. Why?




I think it’s because we’re running away from ourselves. We do need action in life, not constant action. At some level we’re afraid of facing our deep, apparently lonely, self. We feel more alive when we’re moving. Life is movement. When we’re still and without interaction; at a very deep level, we fear our mortality

breathe instead

Take pause; focus on your breathing. Slowly, find yourself calming down. Your mind will want to race, let it, don’t attach your attention to it or to its production, which are thoughts.

Once you start getting used to being still, at rest, a peace will start to descend, actually emerge from within you. Then you will know that you’ve never been alone.

Recommendation: Moments in Between: The Art of the Quiet Mind

Moments in Between: The Art of the Quiet Mind

Who are you?

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.Mike Robbins

be yourself

You come with an essence that’s you, uniquely so, in all time and in all space.

Mull over that.

everyone else is taken

Waste not your time and precious attention on how you compare with others; what others think of you or what you must do to please them. Instead focus on what makes you beautiful, helpful to others and an attractive person from the inside out.

You must get to know yourself first; that comes when you become increasingly more self aware; which is a product of stillness.

Recommendation: Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken…

Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity