Category Archives: Stillness

FLaG It!

The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.Milarepa

the steps

Meditation is that one practice that’ll help you center; help you connect; help you find your self and put you on the path to true happiness.

Here’s a quick easy to remember practice: Settle down first, become physically comfortable, but not so comfortable that falling asleep would be easy! Now take 3 deep breaths and devote the following to God, the Universe or your inner holy self:

F is for Forgiveness: Forgive all the people in your life. Especially those who are always on your mind and with who your relationship isn’t the best. Forgive all past circumstances that also occupy mindal real-estate. Even forgive God or the Universe. Do forgive your own self. Remind yourself to not be harsh and instead be gentle with self instead.

L is for Love: Now that you’ve opened spiritual and physical channels in your being through forgiveness, seek the love that’s inside your heart. Seek God’s love. Ask that your being be filled with this ever present love. Receive this love and become a channel for this love at the same time. Imagine yourself as a bucket, love flows into you from the top of your head, fills you up, quenches your thirst and then flows out of your heart into everyone around you, your loved ones, your neighbors and the whole world! Revel in this love, it’s palpable!

a is for &

G is for Gratitude: Now that you can feel this love. Be grateful for everything. Your body, mind, whole being, family, circumstances, health, job, you name it. Be thankful for it all!

ps: Thanks to my friend Mick Das for coining the acronym FLaG!


5 minutes in the morning, 5 in the evening and possibly 5 during the day. That’s all it takes, make it a life habit and you’ll never look back. Don’t make it any longer initially unless you feel up to it, increase the time spent as you wish, but don’t make it a compulsion that’ll keep you from undertaking this practice.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM still, I devote time to connect.

Recommendation: Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield

Meditation for BeginnersKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

What is Zen?

Zen opens a man’s eyes to the greatest mystery as it is daily and hourly performed; it enlarges the heart to embrace eternity of time and infinity of space in its every palpitation; it makes us live in the world as if walking in the garden of EdenD. T. Suzuki


Zen is.

If you spend time analyzing Zen then in Zen you’re not!

everywhere, now

Zen is in the eternal now. It’s connecting to what is, around you, inside you. The Zen mind allows you to:

  • see beauty where it’s not
  • enjoy peace amidst turmoil
  • feel wonder during a routine day
  • live a truly satisfying life

Daily Affirmation: Today, I AM, I see.

Recommendation: Arriving at Your Own Door by Jon Kabat-zinn

Arriving at Your Own Door: 108 Lessons in MindfulnessKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Love Triumphs

Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united with me, Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.Bhagavad Gita

when in doubt

Just love.

why this works

Love is the very essence of the creator. Creation is an act of love. Whenever you don’t know what to do, ask ‘What would Love do?’. Connect to the undercurrent of the Universe, through love. Can’t go wrong.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM in love. I AM of love. I seek love.

Recommendation: The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Edition: Explained By Paramhansa Yogananda, As Remembered By His Disciple, Swami KriyanandaKindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless)

Your Heart’s Purpose

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.Rumi

your work

What were you created to do?

What were you created to be?

your heart

You are, where your heart is. Be from your heart. Think from your heart. Follow your heart. Express your heart. Be heart-centered.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM my heart.

Recommendation:Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Conner & The Life Purpose Coach

Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice WithinKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Core Within

Hear from the heart wordless mysteries!

Understand what cannot be understood!

In man’s stone-dark heart there burns a fire

That burns all veils to their root and foundation.

When the veils are burned away, the heart will understand completely…

Ancient Love will unfold ever-fresh forms

In the heart of the Spirit, in the core of the heart.Rumi

deep connection

Through the heart can one know that which is worth knowing. If we notice we’re almost always in our heads. Thinking and analyzing. Bring your attention down to the heart; now operate from there. When you converse with another, talk heart-to-heart, connect.

uncovering that which is

There’s something far more meaningful to be found when we operate from the heart. We’re able to make a soul connection. With ourselves and with others. There flows just underneath the surface, a loving intelligence, one which seeks to connect us all, let’s participate.

Daily Affirmation: I am my heart. I act in love and I connect deep.

Recommendation: Tao Te Ching

Tao Te ChingKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Slow And Steady…

There is a secret bond between slowness and memory, between speed and forgetting.Milan Kundera

haste makes waste

We’re always in a hurry. To get where? To do what? Are we missing the journey while trying to get to the destination? It’s a habit we’ve formed. We ought to break it.

slow and steady

Let’s slooooow down.

Put reminders for yourself to pause and examine your mindset. Breathe deeper, don’t let life pass you by.

Daily Affirmation: Today I will remember to breathe slow and deep. I will pause to experience life.

Recommendation: Savor This Moment

Savor This Moment Embracing The Goodness In Everyday LifeKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Contentment Is…

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.Lao-tzu

look around

Life is bountiful. All we need are eyes to see and senses to sense it all. When our inner-most recesses are in silence, we can appreciate it, a whole lot more.

and within

The source of all joy, peace and contentment lies within us. Once we figure out how to tap into that, then all that we already have and already are, is supremely satisfying! Life is good, right now.

Daily Affirmation: Today I will notice the bounty that exists around me and in me. I will revel in the blessings I already enjoy! Thank you!

Recommendations: 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

10 Secrets for Success and Inner PeaceKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)