Category Archives: Articles

Banish All Negativity

It’s the simplest properties that will help you clear yourself of negativity … The profound power of a simple prayer. The strength of a deep breath. The gentle guidance of good music.Jeffrey Wands

become aware of the negativity

We think incessantly and we mostly think unconsciously. Because of that proclivity we often don’t know what we’re thinking. Catch yourself starting a negative chain of thoughts. Understand where and how a negative thought popped in. Once you do that, you’re awake and in the moment. Now you’re fully equipped to take charge of your mind, just the way it ought to be!

now use what’s already around you

Notice the beauty around you, appreciate it. Start listening to your favorite music. Make a prayer for strength and power. Take full advantage of your awake, conscious state. You are now in control of your emotional well-being!

Recommendation: Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!
by Mike Dooley

Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!

The Next Step?

The fool wonders, the wise man asks.Benjamin Disraeli

ask first

We often ask ourselves; what should I do next? That’s a great step forward, we must ask first. What then? Often we keep asking and nothing seems to happen? What’s going on?

then observe

Nothing seems to happen because we’re expecting a certain answer! And we only look for that particular answer and glaze over everything else.

We need to be free of any expectations, and once we’re free, just look!

Look for signs from the Universe. They come to us in an infinite variety of ways, through people, situations, inanimate objects, you name it. Observation is key.

now act

Once you observe something that appears to be a sign. Take the action that’s called for. If you do; more signs will appear, they always do. You’re now actively on your journey of self and Universe discovery!!

Recommendation: Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching

Which 2 Emotions?

Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear. There is no other human motivation.Neale Donald Walsch

do you buy it?

Think about it, every action or thought is motivated by either love or fear. If you cook something it’s either because you love cooking, love eating, love pleasing another being or fear another person, fear dying of hunger or some other minor fear. Try this thought experiment with any thought you think next or action you contemplate; is the motivation love or fear? If you think for example you want to complete a work assignment, it could be that you fear the consequences of not completing it or that you love your job.

what this means

So which emotion would we choose? Love of course. When we do that we align our whole self with the working of the Universal Intelligence. Synchronicity then occurs. Things just work out. We learn important lessons, with the right attitude of love, when things don’t quite work out.

As we become more aware of our seemingly inconsequential motivations behind each thought or act, we realize how important it is to direct our life to flow with love. By doing this consistently we banish fear and eventually worry, out of our life. You’re then a free, totally safe, dynamic, creative and joyful child of the Universe!!

Recommendation: The Essential Laws of Fearless Living

The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again

The Peace Pilgrim…

The body, mind and emotions are instruments which can be used by either the self-centered nature or the God-centered nature.The Peace Pilgrim

a role model

In my very early years of enquiry into the spiritual life Mildred Lisette Norman Ryder was a major influence. She’s more popularly known as The Peace Pilgrim. Her story is an amazing one. Her life was the message, a message of finding inner peace and spreading it via contact. She walked, literally hiked, all over the United States for 28 years of her life, walking the talk instead of just talking about it! You may download or order a printed copy of her inspiring book here.

her message

Her central message is that we must be genuinely peaceful first and then that peace can be a beacon for others.

This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.The Peace Pilgrim

She speaks about 4 Preparations, 4 Purifications and 4 Relinquishments in order to achieve a peace beyond understanding one that is invincible!

More here or in her book!

Recommendation: Peace Pilgrim

Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words

Only expect the best

Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.Ralph Marston

The Best From Yourself

Life is built out of expectation. Expect the best of your self however don’t punish yourself if you fail. If you don’t live up to your own expectations then internally you’ll berate yourself which will yield a lower self-esteem. When your self-esteem is lower your actions and reactions towards others will be affected.

The Best From Others

Expect the best of others but don’t punish them for failing to reach up to your expectations. So here’s the formula for success:

  1. Expect the best from your self and others.
  2. Take necessary action.
  3. Recognize and honor what you and others do well.
  4. Forgive what you and others don’t do well.
  5. Repeat.

Recommendation: Life Without Stress

Life Without Stress: The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety

Master of the Universe

Happy is the man who has learned the cause of things and has put under his feet all fear, inexorable fate, and the noisy strife of the hell of greed.Virgil

The Cause of Things

The cause of things flows primarily from 2 sources:

  1. The Universal Mind: The universal creative force that has set certain laws in motion that enable life as we experience it. If we go against the current of this mighty river we suffer. We must learn to flow with it.
  2. The Human Mind: The human mind is the co-creator. We create our life via our intentions, thoughts, actions and interactions. We must understand how this works or we suffer.

Master of the Universe

Once we understand causes and that life is constant change; know how to defeat fear and are happy with the present moment in all its glory, we are then the master of our own universe. In effect the master of the Universe!

Ponder that.

Recommendation: Freedom from the Known by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Freedom from the Known

Love me, now!

Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.Swedish Proverb

When you’re irritated

Or angry at someone, it’s often because they’re being irritable and not nice. When that happens they’re playing out what they might be going through! What should you do?

How to be, instead

We can stay irritable and denounce the person who seems to be causing this feeling in us. Or we could truly try to understand them and be in their shoes for a little bit. When we wear that cap of understanding our best effort at that moment must be an act of love. Pure loving understanding is the call of the moment. You know what that does? That instantly heals the resentment that’s inside us, love does that, and begins to heal the person we’re interacting with. It also heals and makes whole the relationship you have with that person.

Love heals me, it heals you and all around us. Be that love.

Recommendation: A Return to Love

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"