Only expect the best

Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.Ralph Marston

The Best From Yourself

Life is built out of expectation. Expect the best of your self however don’t punish yourself if you fail. If you don’t live up to your own expectations then internally you’ll berate yourself which will yield a lower self-esteem. When your self-esteem is lower your actions and reactions towards others will be affected.

The Best From Others

Expect the best of others but don’t punish them for failing to reach up to your expectations. So here’s the formula for success:

  1. Expect the best from your self and others.
  2. Take necessary action.
  3. Recognize and honor what you and others do well.
  4. Forgive what you and others don’t do well.
  5. Repeat.

Recommendation: Life Without Stress

Life Without Stress: The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety