Tag Archives: relationships

Secrets To Great Relationships

Let people live in your heart.Toshiro Kanamori

operate from the heart

The best way to great relationships is to allow everyone to live in your heart. That’s where true understanding and love live.

the 2 secrets

The other secret to great relationships is to always address the spirit/soul inside each human. When you address the ‘highest’ in others you often get the highest back!

Whenever conferring with another, either face to face or across the miles, whether a human being, departed spirit, or sentient tree, always speak to the highest within them.The Universe

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old FriendKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

It’s Family, Stupid!

The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.Thomas Jefferson

the meaning of life

A few days ago our family was at the neighborhood Holiday party when a discussion amongst guys turned to the ‘meaning of life’. That’s the kind of discussion I love to participate in so I jumped right in and said ‘The meaning of life is simple’! Everyone stared at me incredulously, their facial expressions read ‘ok tell us wise guy, let’s see you make a fool of yourself’. I said that Life’s meaning and purpose can all be encapsulated in ‘It’s all about family’.

what else is there?

It is all about family. You need someone to share your life with. Joys, sorrows, purpose and fears. Family includes our good friends and neighbors. Our achievements in life are meaningless without deep relationships. If you strip everything out; or when we die, all we’re left with are the sweet memories of loving relationships.

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts

Do It! Let's Get Off Our Buts

Only expect the best

Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.Ralph Marston

The Best From Yourself

Life is built out of expectation. Expect the best of your self however don’t punish yourself if you fail. If you don’t live up to your own expectations then internally you’ll berate yourself which will yield a lower self-esteem. When your self-esteem is lower your actions and reactions towards others will be affected.

The Best From Others

Expect the best of others but don’t punish them for failing to reach up to your expectations. So here’s the formula for success:

  1. Expect the best from your self and others.
  2. Take necessary action.
  3. Recognize and honor what you and others do well.
  4. Forgive what you and others don’t do well.
  5. Repeat.

Recommendation: Life Without Stress

Life Without Stress: The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety

Love me, now!

Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.Swedish Proverb

When you’re irritated

Or angry at someone, it’s often because they’re being irritable and not nice. When that happens they’re playing out what they might be going through! What should you do?

How to be, instead

We can stay irritable and denounce the person who seems to be causing this feeling in us. Or we could truly try to understand them and be in their shoes for a little bit. When we wear that cap of understanding our best effort at that moment must be an act of love. Pure loving understanding is the call of the moment. You know what that does? That instantly heals the resentment that’s inside us, love does that, and begins to heal the person we’re interacting with. It also heals and makes whole the relationship you have with that person.

Love heals me, it heals you and all around us. Be that love.

Recommendation: A Return to Love

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

An Effective You!

YOU must be effective first….www.effectiveyou.com

Effective You Launches!

The central premise for this blog is that you must be effective first. You must come first. Then everything else follows. If you can be effective as a human, spouse, parent, child and citizen then the world is well along its way to a recovery. A recovery that can only begin via a personal transformation. That revolution must begin with you! So how can you be effective in all these arenas of life? It’s the goal of this blog to explore just that. We’ll explore the dimensions of personal, professional and ‘leadership’ oriented ways and means.

Personal Effectiveness:

Personal effectiveness is at the heart of all renewal, self-transformation and growth. This category will house articles that help you become more effective mentally, physically, spiritually and in all relationships.

Professional Effectiveness:

The primary focus of this category of articles will be to help you to be more effective at work and in business. This means that you’ll know how to deal with people, which is most important, know how to spend your time efficiently and focus on only that which supports your deep fulfillment as a human being.


Leadership is all about you whether at work, home or play. Each one of us is a leader even if we don’t realize it. What is your impact at work, on colleagues, subordinates or management? What are the defining characteristics of real leaders? What is your leadership style? What is Management? Check this category out for answers to such questions.

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Living right…

There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living.David Starr Jordan

Right Living:

Right Living can mean so many things. Are you living right if you’re living your life purpose? If you create happiness and live in happiness are you living right? What does right living have to do with you and with society at large?

Unified Personality:

A unified personality might be the answer. One that is developing equally mentally, physically, spiritually and is balanced in its life approach. An approach that combines the Mind, Body and Soul.

You need all three to enable effective service to others which might be the highest goal for any human, and which leads directly to God.

Recommendation: The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Edition: Explained By Paramhansa Yogananda, As Remembered By His Disciple, Swami Kriyananda

Be patient…

Be patient. Be wise in your counsel and eloquent in your lives.The Urantia Papers

What does it mean to be patient? To me it means being patient first with yourself. Don’t have expectations that create a life that’s too hectic, one that allows not for true rest and reflection. It also means be patient with all others; don’t want others to live at the same pace you want to live. It means being patient with all other things in life. Flow with life; don’t feel anxious when things don’t transpire just the way you expect them to. Try to see the lesson in everything.

Be wise in your counsel to others; give advice only when asked for it; even then be to the point and apply your words to the person and situation.

Eloquence in our lives comes from living the life that you preach or want to preach. Let others imbibe in what you most want them to know through how you live your life. Words are not necessary.

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power