Tag Archives: Faith

What To Do With Fear?

Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.  – The Urantia Papers

who are we?

Why do we let our fears dominate us? It’s because we don’t see them creeping up on us. Any time we feel depression setting or a feel uneasy, we should start paying attention to our thoughts. We’ll soon be able to trace that unease to an unreasonable fear we have of something or someone.   If we can become aware of such fearful thoughts we’ll be well on our way to recognize the ‘fraud’ they’re playing in our life. Let’s take control, we own our thoughts and can instead ignite the faith that’s lying dormant inside us!


I AM God’s child therefore have nothing to fear. Instead I recognize when dark thoughts start to stalk me. I replace them with loving thoughts that emerge from deep inside me.

Recommendation: The Urantia Papers

The Urantia Book: Indexed Version with free Audio Book on DVD (Can only be played on a computer with a DVD drive.)Kindle Paperwhite, 6

Did We Forget?

Impatience is a sign of hurrying,

hurrying is a sign of worrying,

worrying is a sign of fear,

and fear is a sign that

someone has temporarily forgotten

that it’s never too late

to change their thoughts

and, therefore,

their “things.”.

The Universe

thoughts become things

Our thoughts and feelings unfailingly manifest in our lives. Let’s watch them and create accordingly.


Today I AM only choosing lovely and happy thoughts. I AM feeling good. Life is beautiful. All is well. Thank you!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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How We Self Sabotage!

It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. Sally Kempton


We have an internal saboteur, a gremlin, who keeps rearing its ugly head, several times a day, sometimes all day. Once we can recognize that naysayer inside us, the very act of becoming aware of it, diminishes its power over us. With practice we can let our real self, our strong, powerful, positive self, emerge. The fear subsides and the path becomes clearer by the day. The first step must be to recognize this negative voice inside us…


Today I AM kicking my internal saboteur in its butt! I will banish all negative thoughts! I AM a child of God, I AM positive inside and out. I think lovely thoughts and do lovely deeds. I AM proud of myself and my potential!

Recommendation: Ljving the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of MindKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Find Any Solution!

It’s not knowing what the answer or solution is, but simply knowing that there is one, which brings it forth.  – The Universe

it’ll happen!

We are creators. It’s our job to create new things and solutions from new ideas and dreams. Have you noticed that we often find answers when we least expect them? During such times we’re doing what we need to do and the right ingredients come together, magically. It just happens. If we trust it, and allow it, it’ll happen.


Today I AM trusting that there is an answer. I trust and it appears! I know I AM a creator child of God. I use my thoughts for the highest purposes. I dream and act as though it’ll just work out, and it does!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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How To Conquer Fear…

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.  – Bertrand Russell


Fear is our constant nemesis. How do we defeat it? Do we need to defeat it though? What if we embrace each fear to try and experience the very worst (in our minds) that’s possible? What happens then? When we do so with full awareness, from our center, the fear tends to melt away. We understand better whence it arose and why it has such a hold on us.


Today I AM bold. I see each fear arising within me and I embrace it. My fears have no chance if I become fully aware of them and let them run their course. I AM a child of God, nothing can hurt me!

Recommendation: The Essential Laws of Fearless Living by Guy Finley

The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless AgainKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Feel Better?

The more you find good in another, the more you’ll find good in yourself. No matter whom that ‘other’ is.The Universe


It’s all about the vibrational level we’re at. To raise our vibrations we need to feel good. To feel good we can appreciate goodness in others. It’s simple, really…


Today I AM deciding to feel good! I feel good when I see how others are good. I only notice the positive in others. I underscore the silver lining. I AM a child of God who loves others.

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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How To Handle Fear?

To him who is in fear, everything rustles.  – Sophocles


How many fears are we harboring? How many of these fears are actually conscious ones? How many lie deeper still? What do these fears cost us, our life and family? How would our life be if we were calm, peaceful, at-ease and fearless!? When do we plan to answer and act on some of these crucial questions?


I AM at peace. I AM a child of God. I AM protected and safe. Life is good. All ends well. I breathe deeply and appreciate each moment and all surroundings. Love is my very nature.

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Paperwhite, 6