Tag Archives: Creativity

Why We Must Be The Change!

The following exchange took place between teacher and inquirer:

‘How can I avoid a noisy world?’

‘Be quiet yourself.’

‘How can I avoid getting hurt?’

‘Be harmless yourself.’

‘How can I avoid false teachings?’

‘Be true yourself.’

Whatever kind of psychological events a man meets, he really meets himself, for he and his world are one. Vernon Howard

we are the world

We are literally the world. Our own consciousness is all we truly know.

  • We assume others understand and view the world the way we do. They don’t.
  • We assume that circumstances need to change for us to be happy. Not true.
  • We think we’ll be happy when others start behaving. Nope.
  • We know we’ll be happier when we reach a certain goal. Probably not.

it’s us

It started with us when we became conscious of self. The onus remains on us. We control our happiness. We control our reaction to events. We design our thoughts. We decide what makes us happy. We choose our own values. We  take action the way we please. We must change if our world is to change. We must change if we’re to architect our destiny. We must change if we’re to be free.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the change.

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Gain Deeper Understanding?

…to understand what is, one must observe what one thinks, feels and does from moment to moment. Krishnamurti


We’re like babies in the Universe. We found ourselves born on this planet, surrounded by a variety of people, thoughts, attitudes, mores and more. Essentially we have to make sense of our place in this reality. We are conditioned, biased and generally not super capable of figuring it all out. So what should we do?

first steps

The first and main step is that of becoming more aware. More aware of self, reactions, attitudes, tendencies, drivers, intentions and purposes. Once we understand our proclivities and actions better we’ll be on our way. The Universe rewards awareness and curiosity. We can define the questions that must be asked as we increase our awareness. The two combined, will yield most of the answers we seek!

awareness + curiosity = understanding

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM aware and curious.

Recommendation: The Awakening of Intelligence by Krishnamurti

The Awakening of IntelligenceKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

If Not Now… Then When?

If not now… then when?


What should we spend our time on? If we don’t answer that question actively, we’ll go the way of our bodily inclinations. We might end up eating something or watch a meaningless TV program. If we don’t illuminate Now via the torchlight of our ‘Life Purpose’ we might just squander the power of the current moment…

just do it

If we already know what’s important to us and we also know that we shouldn’t be resting our mind or body, then the next steps can be clear…

Taking one step fuels the next, there’s magic in movement and in action. Interestingly, a still mind can be useful in helping us be active in other aspects of life. Life is like that. Apparently contradictory, a never-ending maze that satisfies when engaged and an endless adventure-filled odyssey…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM action personified! 

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Why Is It So Hard?

Everybody wants to get enlightened but nobody wants to change.Andrew Cohen


We’re seekers. We seek after peace, contentment, enlightenment, something deeper, ‘the way’, escape, we can call it what we will… We’re all seeking something that’s beyond where and what we are… Perhaps that’s by design?

To get beyond where we are, change is required. Change of mind, of attitude and of perception.

change is hard

There’s something called the ‘ego’, that comes in the way of our efforts to change. We think we don’t need to change. We think others need to change. We think we’re already making enough of the changes necessary. The ego convinces us that it’s better to be safe and certain than to take risky action. We comply and therefore we change not because we venture not. All this while, because we don’t change, we suffer, people around us suffer and the world loses on the potentiality of another eternal soul!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM fearless!

Recommendation: Change Anything by Kerry Patterson

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal SuccessKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Manifest What We Need…

Manifestation is an act of trust. It is the soul pouring itself out into its world, like a fisherman casting a net to gather in the fish he seeks; with each cast properly made, we will bring what we need to us, but first we must hurl ourselves into the depths without knowing just what lies beneath us.David Spangler


We’ve heard this before. What we want may not be what we need. The aim of all life is beyond what we see and experience today. The aim of life is spiritual and god-ward. What we need right now is often not known to us. It’s known to a deeper part of self. That center is ever available and can be accessed readily by simply asking. It is Law that when we ask, the Universe must respond.


To manifest we must trust. Trust what? Trust that we’re children of the infinite with creative attributes similar to our parent. We must not second guess or mistrust life. We must feel safe in this playground where we find ourselves. We must play and not care about failure. We must day-dream, i.e. visualize what me most need. And then we must take itty bitty steps towards the goals that are most dear. Success then, is guaranteed. Success even when the goal itself isn’t realized the way we imagined it….

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM trusting life.

Recommendation: The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal LifeKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Create What We Want…

Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of. Dr. Geri Weitzman


We must always create that which we want to be a part of. We’ve done it in our lives already. We’ve taken the initiative to get into relationships with people and companies to get where we are today. And we must continue.

purposeful effort

It’s our very purpose to create, we’re children of the creator! And to create purposefully is the most fulfilling activity we can undertake. To be purposeful though we must know what’s most important to us, which direction we’re headed and what fulfills us most. Once we know or have an inkling, then we need to start taking action. We might try 5 or 10 things and maybe one will lead to that which is most aligned to our Life Purpose. The trick is to

  1. assume we’re creative already,
  2. take steps to discover our Life Purpose and
  3. try things tied to that purpose.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM creatively purposeful!

Recommendation: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity [10th Anniversary Edition]Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Where Does Creativity Come From?

It is only when the mind is still and empty, when it is not creating a problem, in that alert passivity there is creation.Krishnamurti


There’s a gap, a quietness, between two thoughts. These gaps when cultivated reveal a groundswell of joy and peace. It’s just under the surface and it’s another muscle that can be developed with awareness and practice. Try it.

unleashing high thinking

I’m not in the camp of ‘empty minders’. This camp states that we should ‘empty’ our minds consistently and constantly. In fact it is such a mind that can also be termed the ‘Zen mind’. It’s a great place to be and wonderful to experience; here’s how to take it a notch higher…

When we start dwelling in that gap between thoughts we become capable of accessing a higher mind. This is where creativity is unleashed and we become capable of thinking in tandem with the ‘Universe’ even as we tap into the source itself. It’s here where we can employ our thinking for higher societal purposes rather than just to obtain self-peace.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM creatively still!

Recommendation: Awakening of Intelligence by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Awakening of Intelligence, TheKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6