Category Archives: Quotes – 2009

The bell tolls for thee…

Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.John Donne

John Donne wrote this in the 17th century probably referring to the church bells that tolled during a funeral. We can make a lot of this beautiful quote.

Life is passing us by:

Don’t lose another moment to indecision, hate, callousness or despair. You never know when the bells might toll for you. Wake up, realize the power that resides inside you, claim it, smile and march into the day, you can take it on like a true child of the universe. Nothing holds you back, except you yourself.

The meaning in life:

The meaning we find in life is our own work; it involves our unique interpretation of what’s going on. When anything happens it’s up to us what we make of it. Watch yourself as you create your inner universe, be aware of how you paint an event or happenstance. You create your life each moment. When the bells toll; you decide what that means to you.

Recommendation: The Wisdom Way of Knowing

The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming An Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart

God’s thoughts for us…

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.Albert Einstein

What does God think of us?

What does he think for us? If God created all reality; he is the very source of all that is. It would be rather cool if we knew his thoughts; her purpose for all that’s going on!

Our purpose:

I believe that at least at the individual level it’s quite possible for us to know of God’s plans. I also believe that it’s part of our purpose, maybe even the purpose for us to find our place in God’s universe, our relationship with the Godhead.

Your thoughts? How do we go about this quest?

Recommendation: Passionate Presence

Passionate Presence: Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened Awareness

Creativity through flexibility…

Be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process of achieving it.Brian Tracy

We must know where we want to go. With our selves, family, our work and even our being. Why with our being? Because doing goals are different from being goals. A doing goal is like: I want to be able to do 50 pushups daily within 3 months. A being goal example is: I want to not get irritated every time my kids want my attention.

With our goals defined; we ought to stay flexible about the process, the how! Why you ask? For 2 reasons:

  1. By staying flexible, you stay open minded to other interesting ways to get to your goal. You are more likely to notice signals that Life sends your way!
  2. You allow the Universe to play its role in helping you achieve your goals. If you define the specific steps for your success the Universal Mind may not be able help because your plans don’t match with the grander plans afoot.

Your job is to create. Create in your mind first, stay flexible, notice the signs, take action, presto!

Recommendation: The Secret

The Secret

Thinking straight…

One cannot think crooked and walk straight.Anonymous

How do we set our inside right? That has to be the first order of business, in the business of life.

I believe it must happen on 3 levels. I call it the MBS System, the Mind, Body and Soul System.

Soul: We ought to discover our Life Purpose. The path to which is led by self-knowledge. This can be a great basis for our whole being.

Mind: Our thoughts must be congruent with our highest desires i.e. our Life Purpose. We can’t expect to think thoughts that don’t support our mental, spiritual or physical well-being and expect to be happy campers.

Body: To live a Soul purpose and be of a sound mind, our body must be in good shape.

So you see our whole being must move in tandem for us to be fulfilled. All this can be quite over-whelming because hardly anyone is living in this wholesome fashion. The secret is to take small tri-pronged steps, daily and watch your life unfold!

Recommendation: Beyond the Summit

Beyond the Summit: Setting and Surpassing Extraordinary Business Goals

Also see:

Seize the moment

When you do nothing you’re doing something.Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval

When you sit on your tush and do nothing, you’re sitting and doing nothing. That’s the choice you’re making at that moment. It might be good for you, because let’s say you’re such a doer that you need to just sit! Or it may not be so good for you because in this case you might be a perennial procrastinator! And because you sat on your butt; you missed out on a golden opportunity!

Be awake, seize the moment, take that small action, dot that last i.

I recommend Linda’s book (below) because it highlights the power of undertaking small actions which can lead to some big results! In particular it’s Truth #4 in her book!

Recommendation: The Power of Small

The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference

Forgiveness a gift…

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.Suzanne Somers

Forgiveness enables deep healing to occur inside you. It’s a healing that makes the mind sane and the body healthier. It’s a soothing salve that works wonders. At a spiritual level forgiveness allows for a smooth flow of energies in your body that might otherwise be hampered. Once you free that energy up, via forgiveness, you feel better in all respects!

Another way to achieve similar results is to use EFT: a form of affirmations and acupressure tapping. More info here and here.

Recommendation: The EFT Manual

The EFT Manual (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Be patient…

Be patient. Be wise in your counsel and eloquent in your lives.The Urantia Papers

What does it mean to be patient? To me it means being patient first with yourself. Don’t have expectations that create a life that’s too hectic, one that allows not for true rest and reflection. It also means be patient with all others; don’t want others to live at the same pace you want to live. It means being patient with all other things in life. Flow with life; don’t feel anxious when things don’t transpire just the way you expect them to. Try to see the lesson in everything.

Be wise in your counsel to others; give advice only when asked for it; even then be to the point and apply your words to the person and situation.

Eloquence in our lives comes from living the life that you preach or want to preach. Let others imbibe in what you most want them to know through how you live your life. Words are not necessary.

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power