Tag Archives: Stillness

Are you, what you do?

If you are what you do, when you don’t you aren’t. – William Byron

Where does your primary identity come from? If you’re like most folks alive on the planet today your answer will be: WORK!

What happens to ‘you’ when you stop working, lose a job or can’t work due to another reason? What happens to ‘you’ when things aren’t going well at work or if you don’t get that promotion?

Are you your work? What are you?

You are a being, not a doing.

Recommendation: The Art of Being

The Art of Being

Creative solitude

One of the greatest necessities is to discover creative solitude.Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg provides the secret to all that we truly crave. To connect with our inner creativity, to connect with that place where joy and peace flow from, solitude and stillness time is essential.

When we’re still; the juices start to flow, it’s something you shouldn’t deny yourself, it’s the very wellspring that leads to your ultimate wellbeing!

Recommendation: The Artist’s Way

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity [10th Anniversary Edition]

Do nothing!

It is because artists do not practice, patrons do not patronize, crowds do not assemble to worship reverently the great work of Doing Nothing, that the world has lost its philosophy and even failed to create a new religion.G. K. Chesterton

For how long can you sit still and do nothing? What part of you is it that doesn’t allow that? What do you lose if you’re unable to just be?

It pays to nourish this ability. Just take it easy, relax and literally do nothing.

One way to make this a habit is to make meditation or stillness a habit. Here’s another Stillness Tip.

Meditation Tip #4:

Relax into a chair and settle in. Next focus on each major muscle group in your body, from your facial muscles, to the shoulder ones, then lower and upper back. Focus on your stomach, behind, legs and calves as well. Ensure that each muscle area is relaxed and not tense.

Next close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. The breaths should be long drawn (through your nose), held for a few seconds and then exhaled (via pinched lips) slowly. This relaxes your body and starts to relax your mind.

Where is your attention now?

Likely it’s inside your head. Consciously bring your attention to where your heart is and stay there. Notice how you might lose track and get lost in a thought. Notice this too; then bring your attention back to the heart.

Stay here for at least 5 minutes. Repeat twice more daily, for maximum benefit.

Recommendation: AM Meditation

Face the fear in the moment!

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.“ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.Eleanor Roosevelt

Wow that sure is the way to grow! And when you stop to look the fear in the face you won’t be able to proceed if you start analyzing the fear and start imagining worse outcomes!

The only way forward would be to face the fear and just move on, like when you’re about to dive into the pool, you just do it, without thinking.

So the ability to look clearly without worrying thoughts muddying your outlook is the key here. Clear thinking comes from disciplining the mind, which in turn can come from pure observation and/or meditation!

Recommendation: The Power of Now

I AM, available…

I will speak to you if you listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. All ways.Neale Donald Walsch

The creator, the universal creative essence, indwells us. That presence is available. We don’t know it because we haven’t paid attention.

When you get that flash of inspiration or that kind thought for someone else, that’s God talking to you. If you practice listening you’ll be amazed at how integrated God is into our lives!

He has always been present, and in ‘all ways’ has he made his presence felt, if we but listen and pay attention.

A technique developed by Carl Jung called Active Imagination can help you connect! And of course meditation or stillness helps!

Recommendation: God Is Closer Than You Think

The First Relationship

Your first relationship must be with yourself.Neale Donald Walsch

We must be peaceful first, we must be comfortable in our own skin first, we must know self first, before we can be truly happy.

Peace comes when the constant chatter in our mind begins to slow down and when we understand that we’re ultimately safe in God. Practice meditation.

Self-respect arrives when we accept ourselves just as we are, even though there’s lot’s to improve. It arrives when we’re not too concerned about what others think of us. Practice affirmations, recognize your own beauty.

Self-knowledge arises when we observe our habits, our tendencies, our assumptions and what drives us. Practice awareness.

When we have peace, self-respect and self-knowledge we know that true happiness can be sustained through a selfless approach towards others, an approach that leads to service.

Recommendation: The Urantia Book

Banish doubts…

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.Shakespeare

Once we get used to watching where our thoughts spring from next steps can be:

  • Becoming aware of how we get enmeshed in each thought process. When we’re involved in them we’re not being conscious of that activity. When we become aware then that act in itself, helps us distance ourselves from the thought. We notice that we are having these thoughts, we are not the thoughts. This distinction is crucial for our peace of mind.
  • Next notice the quality of these thoughts. Are they the spirit enhancing kind or the opposite? Ferret out thoughts of fear and of doubts. Consciously bring up pleasing thoughts instead or just watch them disappear if you don’t get involved in them and just become aware of them instead.

Both activities above are enhanced by meditation, just 5 minutes twice a day helps! Check out some exercises here. Won’t you do that for yourself?

Banish your doubts, be less fearful and forge ahead!!

Recommendation: One Month to Live