Tag Archives: Now

Passion, Obsession and Joy!

To achieve your goal, your life may sound like a perfume counter – full of Passion and Obsession, leading to Joy.John-Roger McWilliams

What is your goal in life? Passion and obsession about any goal will do at least 2 things:

  1. Either it’s a goal worth pursuing in which case you’ll be closer to your Life Purpose. Which only leads to more passion and joy!
  2. You will learn a lesson or two during your journey in the pursuit of a goal that eventually turns out to be not that fulfilling, in which case you’ll still be closer to your Life Purpose!

Being passionate about any goal ain’t such a bad thing!

Go be a fragrant being!

Recommendation: Do It!: Let’s Get Off Our Buts

Nothing more precious…

Nothing is worth more than this day. Goethe

How often do we forget, that we don’t have all eternity (at least here and now!). We start thinking each day is just like another, mundane and boring. Don’t we all do that? Why do we forget that each day is truly unique, every moment that we breathe is like none other before? This is actually a testament to God’s creativity that everyone and everything is brand new, moment by moment and daily!

So let’s breathe in this perspective and enjoy each moment as best we can. Enjoy this day as one that’ll be gone forever soon enough. Realize that maybe this is the last year of our life, how should we live it?

Go kick some tires, smell some roses, peck some cheeks and yell ‘hooray’ once in a while, Life is Good (Part 2)!

Recommendation: Love: What Is Life All About

A peace beyond understanding

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. Ram Dass

True silence can do wonders. True silence is that of the mind not that of the audible kind. As we become more still, we can observer better, we listen more intently, we perceive a lot more and our sense of intuition flowers! Inspiration and creativity is heightened when we let our mind settle down naturally.

How do you do that?

Watch yourself. Watch as thoughts arise, notice their origin, and where they lead you. Observe how you act or react to any incident. Get to know yourself intimately, in this fashion. Your effortless watching of self leads to a quiet alertness that connects you to the essence of all that is.

A peace beyond understanding, a joy inexpressible, emerges!

Recommendation: The Power of Now

We do not know enough to be pessimistic!

If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic. Hazel Henderson

Isn’t that the trick? We simply don’t know enough about the future!

It’s in our best interests to be stay positive and jump in without too many preconceived notions.

Thus we can truly handle whatever God throws at us! Let’s play until the very end.

Recommendation: Thoughts Become Things

Joy happens when…

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. – Marianne Williamson

First acknowledge all that’s good and great about what you have and all that you are. Know it and feel it. Express gratitude. Stay in this state as long as you can!

Next, flow with life. Because joy is also something that happens when we accept things to be just as they are. And don’t try to fight circumstances. Just flow.

Life is good!

Recommendation: Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering

The secret to finding peace

Fill your mind with the meaningless stimuli of a world preoccupied with meaningless things, and it will not be easy to feel peace in your heart.

Marianne Williamson

As we become aware of this constant chatter, ongoing inside the head, we start to quiet our mind.

Just by being more conscious!

As we become more still, the peace and joy that resides within us, has a chance to emerge, and it does!

Recommendation: The Age of Miracles

The present is the only time there is

God exists in eternity. The only point where eternity meets time is in the present. The present is the only time there is. Marianne Williamson

All we have is now. All that we do, can only be in the present moment. And for that reason when we’re thinking and processing in our minds, we can’t really be doing anything else. We can’t be smelling the roses, we can’t really be listening to another, we can’t even listen to the signals our own body or soul might be sending our way!

Pay attention to all the thoughts you’re processing, all day long. As you bring your attention to that constant activity, it will begin to slow down. You then create spaces between your thoughts that allow for peace, intuition, joy and direct perception possible. You start living a richer life.

Recommendation: In Every Heartbeat, Lessons from "A Course in Miracles"