Tag Archives: Just do it

To A Glorious 2010!

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.Edith Lovejoy Pierce

our life is up to us

Throw off the assumptions that chain your life. Be born again. Resolve to think afresh and anew. Don’t accept limitations that others place on you. You are a creative and unique being like no other in all time and space! Claim your uniqueness, stamp life with your signature, relish your personal impact!

each day is brand new

Each moment we breathe is like no other before it. Each day is new. Don’t let the failures of the past hold you back. Start by creating your future life, now, today.

Recommendation: Release Your Brilliance

Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World

Ask For The Highest

Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door of salvation will be opened.The Urantia Papers

what to ask for?

It’s a law of the Universe. We must ask before it can be given. We must look around and knock at doors before the way opens for us.

What should we be asking for?

ask for the highest

And everything of lesser importance and as it relates to your eternal life will be given automatically. Everything in the Universe is spiritually focused. All that we do on this planet has value only if it’s of a spiritual nature especially in our relationships with others. So seeking the highest gives us the rest.

Recommendation: The Urantia Papers


The Urantia Book: Indexed Version with free Audio Book on DVD (Can only be played on a computer with a DVD drive.)


Only expect the best

Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.Ralph Marston

The Best From Yourself

Life is built out of expectation. Expect the best of your self however don’t punish yourself if you fail. If you don’t live up to your own expectations then internally you’ll berate yourself which will yield a lower self-esteem. When your self-esteem is lower your actions and reactions towards others will be affected.

The Best From Others

Expect the best of others but don’t punish them for failing to reach up to your expectations. So here’s the formula for success:

  1. Expect the best from your self and others.
  2. Take necessary action.
  3. Recognize and honor what you and others do well.
  4. Forgive what you and others don’t do well.
  5. Repeat.

Recommendation: Life Without Stress

Life Without Stress: The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety

Flow or Take Off?

Buddhism holds that everything is in constant flux. Thus the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative.Daisaku Ikeda

Create Positive Change

I like Dr. Ikeda’s suggestion! Take the bull by the horns; face the truth; find your place in the world and effect positive change! We are creative beings that can only thrive when we act and create, let’s not forget that!

Flow With Life

Buddhism also teaches that you should flow with life. Accept all that happens; stay calm and unaffected. How do you balance these two seemingly opposing views? By leading a balanced life! Acting is about doing and being is about flowing with life. Check out the BeDo Continuum for more on this! Buddhism teaches us to live a balanced life, which we must if we’re to be fulfilled.

Recommendation: I Am That

I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The bell tolls for thee…

Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.John Donne

John Donne wrote this in the 17th century probably referring to the church bells that tolled during a funeral. We can make a lot of this beautiful quote.

Life is passing us by:

Don’t lose another moment to indecision, hate, callousness or despair. You never know when the bells might toll for you. Wake up, realize the power that resides inside you, claim it, smile and march into the day, you can take it on like a true child of the universe. Nothing holds you back, except you yourself.

The meaning in life:

The meaning we find in life is our own work; it involves our unique interpretation of what’s going on. When anything happens it’s up to us what we make of it. Watch yourself as you create your inner universe, be aware of how you paint an event or happenstance. You create your life each moment. When the bells toll; you decide what that means to you.

Recommendation: The Wisdom Way of Knowing

The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming An Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart

Seize the day!

Seize the day!Horace

Don’t make this another humdrum day, seize it instead, by the horns that too!

  1. Do one thing you’ve been meaning to do for some time
  2. Make a vacation plan
  3. Think about your next job
  4. Exercise
  5. Meditate
  6. Kiss all those you love
  7. Call someone you haven’t talked to
  8. Smile
  9. Be thankful for what you have
  10. Smell that rose

Be the dynamic, full of life, happy, joyful, creative person that you already are, rejoice, life is good!

Recommendation: The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture

Discovering new lands…

One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.Andre Gide

It’s that comfort zone again, that keeps drawing us down and forces us to cruise along blissfully neglecting our own growth. Growth is very important. Why? Because without the sense of achievement that comes from meaningful growth we feel empty, unfulfilled and tend to be depressed about life.

We must have meaningful goals to achieve, and constantly so. That doesn’t mean we have to be driven like rats. We can stay mindful, calm and know that we pursue worthwhile goals without neglecting what’s important in the Now. Growth must also be balanced. Physical, mental (emotional) and spiritual.

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts