Tag Archives: happiness

Experience the sun!

If you want a place in the sun, you must leave the shade of the family tree.Osage Saying

We make subtle agreements with ourselves about everything in life, here are some examples:

  1. I’m smart but not creative.
  2. I can give but others don’t give to me.
  3. My health is poorer now because I’ve crossed this age.
  4. No one really understands me.

What agreements have you made with yourself?

To free yourself, to see yourself as others might see you, and to start to see yourself as God sees you, we must examine all such agreements we make with life.

  • Only then do we have a chance to get away from the shade we grew up under.
  • Only then can we find a place in the Sun.
  • Only then can we awaken to the life we’re truly meant to live!

Examine your assumptions, then step out of the box!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts

Discover what’s beyond…

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.Alan Alda

How do you get in touch with your creative self? One way to do it is to allow your intuition a wilder run inside you. That becomes more likely when your mind is not cluttered with your everyday thoughts, constantly.

Imagine a mind where you’re at peace with yourself and the world, there’s nothing you’re dying to obtain and no agendas. In this peaceful state when you apply your being to an objective, the results can be spectacular. Especially so if you’ve gone beyond the reaches of your ‘normal’ self and taken some risks. In such a fertile environment your intuition becomes clearer and is readily at hand! You can then create, you can then be truly creative! Don’t you want that?

Recommendation: The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

Arise out of fear!

To him who is in fear, everything rustles.Sophocles

  • How many fears are you harboring in your life?
  • How many of these fears are actually conscious ones? How many lie deeper still?
  • What do these fears cost you, your life and family?
  • How would your life be if you were calm, peaceful, at-ease and fearless!?
  • When do you plan to answer some of these questions for yourself?

Meditation Tip #3:

Start with Tip #2 and then once you feel settled let yourself relax even further. Now connect with your inner self by consciously putting your attention on your heart. You’ll notice that your attention so far had been inside your head and now can shift, if you let it.

Notice all thoughts as they arise. Just notice them, do not attach to them. As soon as you notice that you’ve attached to a particular thought and followed it, because that will happen, let go, and just be. Now notice the next thought that soon arises. At first this will happen a lot, over time though your mind will settle down, bit by bit.

The key is practice and regularity.

Can you invest just 10 minutes morning and evening, in this practice, for your own greatest benefit?

Previous meditation tips.

Recommendation: AM Meditation

Live like a butterfly…

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.Charles Dickens

It comes back to the heart. Your heart first, then someone else’s and then to the heart of the matter! Gentleness touches the very core.

If your heart is gentle, your temper is not likely to flare. Your approach to life will be akin to that of a butterfly as it gently flies through the air to set down on a beautiful flower.

Can we be like a bright butterfly that is gentleness personified? Then the gentleness in your heart will touch the heart of another. From one heart to another will the benign virus spread!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About

A unified self leads to happiness

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  – Mahatma Gandhi

True harmony can only come from a self that’s unified. Such a self is calm, intellectually growing, physically healthy and spiritually attuned.

Such a personality can handle disappointments more easily, can pick up and keep going towards insurmountable goals and is a pleasure to have around.

Such a person is not a saint, s/he’s a human who’s worked hard on self and has allowed the divine the pass through. Such a person has not reached a spiritual plateau, because there isn’t such a thing, but keeps growing while helping others along.

You can be such a person. Part of you already is.

Recommendation: Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth

Do you have the blues?

Nobody can teach you to sing the blues, you have to feel the blues.Ernestine Anderson

Well hopefully you don’t because Spring has sprung in the Pacific Northwest, the air smells sweet and the sun is still gentle as the snow begins to slowly melt in the mountains.

When you feel the blues, change your body chemistry by imagining more beautiful and sunny times in your life. As you visualize such beauty, your body will produce mood enhancing chemicals which will make you feel better.

Want to feel like that at all times? Then simply observe life as it happens, don’t live in your thought labyrinth, liberate yourself by simply being. Pure awareness puts you in touch with the peace and joy that resides within you.

Simple. Like Spring.

Recommendation: In Tune With the Infinite

A loving thought…

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.George MacDonald

Everyday living slowly turns our thoughts and actions, harsh and selfish. That’s if we don’t take care of our garden within, water it, tend it and nourish it.

The way to nourish our inner life is by:

  1. Becoming aware of our thoughts as much as possible.
  2. Being aware of what we put into our minds, like the stuff we read and what we think.
  3. Allowing peace and love to sink in via meditation, prayer and Now time.
  4. And by consciously giving loving thoughts and doing acts of love/service to others.

It’s all about cultivating loving awareness. Namaste Now!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About