Tag Archives: Gita

Are We Listening?

The Eternal Lord has been singing this divine song from time immemorial in the hearts of millions.Baba Lokenath

the eternal song

The divine sings, mostly imperceptiviley, and the song reverberates through eternity. Do we have the ears to listen? Can we be still, long enough to try?


Today I AM paying more attention. I AM beginning to hear the faint melody that ever abounds…

Recommendation: The Incredible Life of a Himalayan Yogi

The Incredible Life of a Himalayan Yogi: The Times, Teachings and Life of Living Shiva: Baba Lokenath BrahmachariKindle Paperwhite, 6

Proof That God Listens?

I am in the heart of all.  – The Bhagavad Gita

alone and afraid

I was 20 and it was the summer of 1985. I was still fairly new to this amazing country, The United States of America, when I found myself at Basic Training for the U.S. Army at Ft. Dix in NJ. Being new and with no friends I felt very lonely and a bit afraid on my first day in the barracks. That despite being with recruits from practically every state and Puerto Rico. It would eventually turn out to be a most transformative life experience to go through hard training with a great bunch of American kids…

prayer answered

But for now I was alone. I prayed for help and asked God to comfort me. I was already a voracious reader of spiritual texts and God knew that. But I had no book with me. In the evening when I got back to my barrack right there near my bed, in a trash can (!), lay the book I’ve recommended below. I know not where it came from but surely it was meant for me. I knew then that God is real.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM comforted in God’s ever-presence!

Recommendation: Bhagavad-gita As It Is (1972 edition)

Bhagavad-gita As It Is (1972 edition)Kindle Paperwhite, 6

What a Still Mind Can Achieve…

Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united with me, Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.  – The Bhagavad Gita

the center

Stillness slowly and surely deposits us at the very center of it all. At the center we experience peace, calmness, assuredness, clarity and love…


Love is the primary driving force behind everything in the Universe. Love is God’s only motivation. By finding his love within and then expressing it and living it we become more Godlike. That is Life’s Purpose…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM at my center…

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Paperwhite, 6

Is God Real?

Being can be felt in the silence of the soul.The Bhagavad Gita


It’s been a pleasure going through each chapter of The Gita ruminating on any verse that stood out. You may find all related posts here. Here’s what I conclude from this soul exercise:

God is present in our heart. He’s a partner in our daily strivings and accomplishments. Life is lived to the fullest when we accept his presence in faith and act accordingly while serving others lovingly.

the proof is in the pudding

God cannot be proved to anyone else. But his presence is very palpable. His presence is cultivated via Stillness, prayer and loving service. The proof is really in the pudding, let’s taste some of it!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

What Is The Spirit Of Work?

18.46 A man attains perfection when his work is worship of God, from whom all things come and who is in all. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18)

perfect work

Perfect work is that which benefits others and provides peace of mind to self. Such work is possible when we are ‘devoted’ to it. Such work becomes ‘heavenly’ work when done with the right ‘spirit’! What is this spirit of work?

spirit of work

According to The Gita God is intimately involved in all our activities. It then behooves us to involve God into our daily activities. This is a sure way to perfection and peace. How does one do it though? Here are some examples:

  • As we do anything we do it as though God asked us to do it…
  • We interact with others as though we’re dealing with God…
  • We submit all work deliverables as an offering to God…

Please let me know what thoughts or comments you have on this topic!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM an instrument of God!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Life Is Always Perfect!

18.37 What seems at first a cup of sorrow is found in the end immortal wine. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18)

life is

We’re not separate from Life. We are it. We’re generally not conscious of what goes on inside our heads and why we do what we do. Life is the gradual unfolding of our awareness of life itself. Once we realize that, our journey, our Life journey truly begins.

embrace life

The Gita constantly nudges us towards greater awareness of self and of the divine. The two aren’t separate and in fact constitute Life itself. The divine expresses itself through us to experience that which it can’t otherwise. We are a divine expression! With that thought we may embrace life and jump in!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM Life!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

What’s The Highest Knowledge?

18.20 When one sees Eternity in things that pass away and Infinity in finite things, then one has pure knowledge. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18)

the spiritual

The creator put her essence and signature into her handiwork. These abundant clues clearly point to the spiritual basis for all that we see and experience. We’re living a spiritual life even when we don’t know it! So why not do so consciously and reap the benefits!?

fruits of the spiritual life

The Gita reminds us of our spiritual heritage and destiny. With the spiritual life come the fruits of Spirit:

  • A sweet more friendly nature
  • A natural smile borne of an unassailable faith in God and his goodness
  • A forgiving kind nature
  • A peace beyond mortal understanding
  • A love that culminates in service of others and
  • a joy that’s hard to fathom

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a fruit of Spirit!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7