The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. – Unknown Author
the invisible world
There’s an invisible world, one which we often ignore. That part of the Universe and its laws have a direct impact on our daily living. When we raise our vibrations by thinking good, thinking love and thinking positive, we partake of and create positive vibrations. These vibrations impact us, our future and those around us. Good health, great relationships, a happy present moment and a great future is the result!
discover you
When we feel resentment, fear, sorrow and experience worry we are generating and picking up vibrations of a whole different frequency. These lower frequencies impact us directly and first. And that is the reason to not let these lower vibrations stick around self too long! Why live with a neighbor that causes nothing but unhappiness? We think we’re justified complaining about who did wrong to us and why. We might be justified but let’s not feel sorry for self. Let’s break free instead, turn the tide, adopt vibrations of the positive kind!
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM staying positive no matter what!
Recommendation: Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude