Tag Archives: Forgive


We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.  – Martin Luther King Jr

resentments weigh us down

They occupy real-estate in our mind. We dwell on negativity. We lose precious time and fail to notice new opportunity. We go backwards.

forgive and forget

Feel lighter. Feel way better. Focus on positive expectations instead. Choose the new found time and attitude to pin-down new opportunities. Dwell on the silver lining.

Daily Affirmation: Today I refuse to be weighed down by resentment. I forgive one and all, I forgive myself. I travel in my lighter being to grander destinations. I’m smiling!

Recommendation: Even Happier

Even Happier: A Gratitude Journal for Daily Joy and Lasting FulfillmentKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Emotional Freedom!

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. – attributed to Helen Keller

avoiding negativity

It’s well known that focusing on the positive is supposed to be good for us. If you agree then putting our attention on the silver lining and the sunshine ought to do the trick. However does that mean we brush the negativity, the resentful thoughts and the hurtful past under the rug?

processing the past (active journaling)

One way to process your past completely is to journal. Not just journal casually and occasionally, but journal actively, with passion, daily and with abandon. You sit down and just start writing away. I call it Active Journaling. You don’t stop until you’ve written whatever’s on your mind, good, bad or ugly, onto paper (or typewritten). You write without worrying about editing, grammar or typos. You just write. Write about your passions, your worries, your fusses, your resentments, hates, likes or dislikes. You just pour your heart out. You write for 15 minutes (or longer) once or preferably twice daily. You focus your full attention on this writing practice, writing as fast as you can without pausing to just dwell on thoughts. You must write down everything that comes to your mind! I first learnt about this technique from Julia Cameron’s best seller ‘The Artist’s Way’. Check out her download here. I then read a fascinating book that helped deepen this journaling practice for me, this book is by Janet Cooper and it’s called ‘Writing Down Your Soul’. I’ve truly enjoyed reading this book on my Kindle!

processing the past (EFT)

The normal way we handle negativities is to try and not think about them. That doesn’t quite work. Another way to neutralize your past traumas, without forgetting the thought itself is via EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). If you’d like to learn EFT, please download the The EFT Manual from Dr. Gary Craig’s website. It’s a technique that combines affirmations with the physical tapping of energy centers around the body. The method effectively rebalances the movement of energy in your body. It works to fix or alleviate most emotional issues and many physical ailments that resulted from such emotional issues. You can also check out a video introduction to EFT on my site here.


The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity [10th Anniversary Edition]Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice WithinThe EFT Manual (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques)Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Magnet

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first…Yogananda

form a habit

Most of us think of us first. What if we formed a habit of thinking about others first? It needs to be a new habit; we’ll need new neural pathways that allow us to think in this fashion!

and expect not

Leave the rest to providence. Do for others because you want to, don’t expect the same from them. You’ll suffer otherwise.

Recommendation: Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography of a Yogi : Includes Bonus CDKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

This Is It…

Breathe a prayer of gratitude. And give those you love an extra measure of affection. Life is fleeting and love is precious. Cherish both.Galen Guengerich

life is fleeting

Benjamin Zander relates a touching story in this video (must watch!). An elder sister in a train escaping Nazi Germany gets really mad at her brother when he announces that he can’t find his shoes. Unfortunately that’s the last conversation they ever have. The sister later pledges that she’ll never ever utter another sentence to anyone if she knows it can’t be the last thing she’ll ever say to that person! Imagine her anguish. Life is fleeting…

regret not later

Let’s make the most of the lovely people around us. Let’s appreciate them, love them, touch them, hug them, serve them, kiss them and let’s never say anything to them that we would regret later.

Recommendation: One Month to Live

One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets LifeKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Truth Triumphs…

Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can’t murder hate. Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that … let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe … the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.Martin Luther King Jr

don’t be violent with your own-self

Thoughts of resentment, dislike, revenge and the like, only hurt the one who manufactures them. The more you dwell on such thoughts, the more you hurt yourself.

faith in justice

Truth will triumph. Mend your mind and you mend your whole life! Be the loving and thoughtful gardener of the fertile soil that is your self. The first step is to forgive the perpetrator and then yourself. Now, know, that all will work out great eventually, keep the faith.

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About

Love: What Life Is All AboutKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The love around us…

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.Marcel Proust

The Lovely People Around Us

Notice them, there’s many of them, in your family and outside it. Look for that essence that defines them, inside them and interact with that alone. That’s the real beauty that surrounds us.

Be Grateful

Being grateful is the key to all happiness and abundance. Be thankful for whoever and whatever you possibly can. Give the heartfelt thanks in the form of prayer and actual words. Wish others well. Give of yourself. Life is nothing but good then.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it this year on Thursday, November 25th!

Recommendation: Savor This Moment

Savor This Moment Embracing The Goodness In Everyday Life

Forgiveness a gift…

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.Suzanne Somers

Forgiveness enables deep healing to occur inside you. It’s a healing that makes the mind sane and the body healthier. It’s a soothing salve that works wonders. At a spiritual level forgiveness allows for a smooth flow of energies in your body that might otherwise be hampered. Once you free that energy up, via forgiveness, you feel better in all respects!

Another way to achieve similar results is to use EFT: a form of affirmations and acupressure tapping. More info here and here.

Recommendation: The EFT Manual

The EFT Manual (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques)