Tag Archives: Creativity

What Can We Let Go?

Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?Questions


What baggage do we carry around that would best be dropped off? Emotional baggage like the following?

  • Why life hasn’t been fair
  • Why certain people failed us
  • How some folks hurt us
  • Why I’m not good enough

There can be many a psychological baggage that we lug around, let’s discover some and let go!

journal & forgive

If we’re not sure what we’re carrying around then let’s listen to our ‘recorded message’. This is the message we playback to self and others when we’re complaining about life. It’s a message that’ll surface if we either pay attention or journal our thoughts. The surest way to free self and move forward with gusto is to recognize this recording. Pay full attention to it, forgive the other person or self as needed and move on. Doing this daily for a while might be necessary before this emotional charge loses its hold on us!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM letting go!

Recommendation: Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!
by Mike Dooley

Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

What Would We Do Differently?

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?Questions…

what’s holding us back?

Something holds us back from giving life our best shot. Something also holds us back from trying new things or doing things differently! What is this something?

fear of failure?

Is it fear of failure, of being judged by others or judged by self? Or is it laziness and procrastination? Are we lazy because we fear failure or judgment? This kind of self-knowledge is crucial to our growth, our fulfillment and happiness. What are we doing about it?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM jumping in!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Fire, Full Color 7

How Even Sorrow Is Useful…

…that sorrow makes us all children again, destroys all differences of intellect.Ralph Waldo Emerson


Suffering is a reality wherever we look. In our collective and individual sorrow lies a gift. What is it? How will we discover it? What will we do with it?

the gift!

A gift is present in all that we experience. We simply have to detach from self and look from a ‘higher’ perspective. Imagine a family that’s suffering because an elderly parent is close to death. If the gift is accepted, the children of that household will come together, be thankful for what they are and what they have. Thankful also for all that their parent made possible. The children bond closer together, united at a difficult time and overlook all differences. What a poetic moment this can become! The whole family is enriched from this experience, it’s a gift that may never stop giving…

Daily Affirmation: Today I accept the gift of sorrow!

Recommendation: Moments in Between by David Kundtz

Moments in Between: The Art of the Quiet MindKindle Fire, Full Color 7

What Creates Diamonds?

What is to give light must endure burning.Viktor Frankl


We were born to be ‘lights’ to others around us. We already are. How? When we highlight the amazing strengths and creativity that we already possess and use them for others’ benefit. How can we transform our selves to burn even brighter?


Notice the challenges and travails that kids go through. They might be overwhelmed and feel as though their world was ending! But adults often know better … that a broader perspective might be applicable to their situation. We also know that the experience might be a teaching moment for them. No brain surgery here, the same logic applies to our own suffering and challenges. Let’s apply a higher perspective when we can!

Daily Affirmation: Today I see from a higher perspective!

Recommendation: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your DreamsKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why We Need More Feminity!

In a day and generation when a man was not supposed to salute even his own wife in a public place, Jesus dared to take women along as teachers of the gospel…The Truth Book


Woman is the bedrock of society. She’s the cornerstone of a family unit. Without the balancing and calming female energy in any situation the effort is likely to become too aggressive and overshoot its mandate. The feminine energy can be the calming balm that’s necessary in the world today. Whenever we need resolution to a touchy topic or an argument, let’s seek the ‘feminine’ approach!

yin & yang

Divinity expresses itself equally via the 2 material channels. The male and the female, the ‘on’ and the ‘off’, up and down, electron and proton. The world today is still male dominated when it comes to ideas and policies. When we truly need peace to prevail we’ll want the feminine energy to balance the masculine!

Daily Affirmation: Today I yield to inevitabilities.

Recommendation: The Urantia Papers

The Urantia Book: Indexed Version with free Audio Book on DVD (Can only be played on a computer with a DVD drive.)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

What Habits Do To Us!

Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you. Elbert Hubbard

habits die hard

We’re creatures of habit. All our habits spring from the realm of thought and energy which is why they’re so hard to unseat!

  • Assumptions: What do we assume about self, others and life? For example do we assume good health?
  • Beliefs: What do we believe about the universe, where we come from and where we’re going? Do we believe that we’ll always have enough?
  • Attitudes: How do we approach tasks, our future and people? Do we have a ‘can-do’ attitude?

How can we examine our base habits?


We can’t always choose. We’re born into a whole set of familial vibrations that initially make up our assumptions, beliefs and attitudes. Slowly we build life habits that predict the rest of our lives.

As we become aware of our life programming we have the creative opportunity to replace habits that don’t work with ones that do! Will we master self or allow habits to master us?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the master of my destiny!

Recommendation: Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the TaoKindle Fire, Full Color 7

What’s The Meaning Of This Moment?

The more significance you give the moment, the more the moment has the opportunity to be significant.Sunirmalya

the moment

This moment is significant. It’s important because we’re here, right now. It’s where our focus is, it’s where we’re present, it’s all we can experience. As we’ve heard; the past is history, the future is a mystery so all we have is right now, which is why it’s called the Present. It’s a present to us… what will we make of it?


We find meaning in life by attributing meaning to everything that happens to us. If someone becomes ill we try to understand why that occurred. We think about that person’s genes, lifestyle, possibly their Karma, what they might be attracting to themselves, the environment and many other influences. We try to understand an event the best we can by giving it meaning. So what’s our choice for this moment? It is a choice we make. It can be a ‘choice’ based on our conditioning or it can be a free-willed creation, in the moment. We can choose and create, it’s up to us what meaning we bestow to this precious and holy moment called Now.

Daily Affirmation: Today I create in the moment…

Recommendation: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6