Tag Archives: Creativity

Getting Even

You cannot get ahead while you are getting even.Dick Armey

getting even

Do you get even? Even when we don’t do so explicitly, we often do get even, in hidden and subtle ways. How you might ask? We do it when we correct folks, we do it when we live and act as though we know it all, we do it when we ignore people purposely or when we refuse to engage with someone for one reason or another. We get even in thought, word and sometimes in deed.

getting ahead

Whenever we get even, in any fashion, we hamper our peace and happiness. Getting even affects our growth because it holds us from conquering our ego-self. It’s important time, energy and negative attention spent on the ‘other’ rather than on ‘self’.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM humble! I let others be.

Recommendation: Thoughts Become Things! by Mike Dooley

Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

The Art Of Seeing

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.Jonathan Swift


What’s your vision

  • For yourself?
  • For your family?
  • For your country?
  • For the world?

Covey says that we ought to start with the ‘end in mind’. If we start with a vision, there’s a greater likelihood that we can get there.

art of seeing

Only we can provide our unique interpretation to life, only we can see as we do. But it doesn’t work if we’re lost in our thoughts, or if we’re always in our mind and not truly conscious of what’s going on in the present moment.

Become present, then start noticing. You’ll be amazed at how much more is seen. Listening too is like seeing. Deep listening requires conscious effort and yields clues that otherwise go unnoticed.

Daily Affirmation: Today I see and I hear.

Recommendation: Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox

Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable OptimistKindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Extraordinary You!

You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.Yogananda

exemplary living

  • How do you live a life that dazzles the world?
  • How can you best use the creativity you were born with?
  • What makes for stupendous success in life?

your uniqueness

  • By being yourself, without fear, with courage, with bravado, with faith and knowing that you truly can’t ever fail.
  • By living your life fully, utilizing your gifts and by not being lazy or a procrastinator.
  • By loving more than you normally would, by going the 2nd mile in service to others and by thinking of them before you think of your own self.
  • By never giving up, by never stopping to grow and by always seeing the world with the eyes of a child.

No you don’t need to invent the next best thing since sliced bread or become a President of the USA, you just need to be the you God designed and give life your best shot! God is looking for that uniqueness, that personality to emerge from you, that has no other expression in the whole of creation! That’s YOU!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a success, just the way I AM.

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old FriendKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

The Quality of Love…

When we come to the last moment of this lifetime, and we look back across it, the only thing that’s going to matter is “What was the quality of our love?”Richard Bach

the being

Love is more in the being first than in the doing. That’s true of life itself. We can be in love and we can be love, when we have no resentments searing our soul, when we flow with the river of time admiring things and persons of beauty, goodness and truth. Having forgiven one and all, including ourselves, we make love’s residence, inside us, possible, we make our own healing possible.

the doing

Once filled with love, let’s place our attention on the other. How can the person in front of us, right now, be served, be loved and be cared for? That is the purpose of life itself, the discovery of love within us, the way it designs us and the relationships that result.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM love, on love will I focus.

Recommendation: The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story by Richard Bach

The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love StoryKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Be & Do!

I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart.Mike Fanelli

the BeDo continuum

All of life follows what I call the The BeDo Continuum! Here’s a schematic from my article:


What I should say is that all of life, that’s being lived in a fulfilling way is likely following The BeDo Continuum! The being aspects often come first. They come from reflection and inspiration.

human ‘beings’

Whenever you catch yourself. ‘Catch yourself’? What does that mean? I mean whenever you become reflective and aware of your own being and thinking, become further aware of whether you’re in a doing mode or a being mode. We mostly operate in the doing mode, so ‘catch yourself’, step back, examine what you’re doing and to what end. Start the virtuous BeDo Continuum! Remember we’re human ‘beings’ not human doings!

Daily Affirmation: Today I be first then do.

Recommendation: The Art of Being by Erich Fromm

The Art of BeingKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Daily Awakening

If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.Gail Sheehy

daily routine?

How about an awakening a day (AWAD)? Now, that really depends on what we want to get out of each day. If we go through a day with the same mindset, each time, then we sink into a routine-ized morose of a day which can often be boring and certainly not scintillating!

a new set of eyes

Instead what we need is a new pair of eyes! Eyes that see each day as it truly is, totally unique and never repeatable. Kind of like us. Each moment is brand new, it’s the canvas we can draw on. The challenge is to not forget this beauty and opportunity that is ours to grab, each moment, of each day!

Daily Affirmation: Today I see, without assumptions that cloud my vision.

Recommendation: The awakening of Intelligence by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Awakening of Intelligence, TheKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

How to: Write Your Soul Down!

When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you, a joy.  – Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Writing down your soul?

What does that mean?

Janet Conner explains very eloquently in her book: ‘Writing Down your Soul’ and in this interview, that the ‘Soul’ is a name for that part of you, inside you, that’s wise and knowing. And that anyone, that’s right anyone, can access that wisdom readily by following the 4 steps below.

Not too long ago Janet’s life changed, very dramatically. While in the throes of that situation, the ‘voice’ discovered her! Actually it was her dog that led her to what she needed at that crucial time in her life. Listen to her here in Part 1 of my interview with her.

Did you know that when you practice the kind of writing that Janet describes in her book and in her interview, your brain operates at the ‘Theta’ brain wave state? Did you realize that in that state your body becomes stronger and healthier, that the levels of t-lymphcytes shoot up? In that state you gain access to your deeper self and greater creativity. On the other hand unexpressed emotions actually constrict blood flow to your brain! And ‘emotion peptides’ in each cell of you body control your emotions. A ‘Theory of Emotion’ that talks about the molecules of emotion was coined by Candace Pert.

Janet discusses all this and much more in her book! Janet’s goal is to have everyone get in touch with their own inner creativity and bless the world in their unique ways!

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.  – Anne Sexton

The Four Steps

Listen to the interview here

one Show up: Ideally setup a regular time and place where you make your daily date with reality. Yes this is your opportunity to connect with reality at a deeper-than-normal level!

two Open up: Start with a prayer or an intention to connect. Then pick up your pen and start writing away! If you’re on a computer, close your eyes as you type. If you can’t type that way then you should hand-write. As you write you want to a. Share with your soul what’s on the top of your mind. b. Write about your emotions and what’s bothering you. Dig deep within you to access parts that don’t easily show up otherwise. c. Write with abandon. Don’t stop or hesitate, don’t worry about grammar or spelling errors. Write what comes to mind.

three Listen up: After you’ve poured your heart out. It’s your turn to listen and ask questions. Now a. Be in the moment and trust that your soul will now communicate with you b. Listen deeply, notice thoughts that come up, write them down c. Write what comes to you. d. Ask questions e. Keep writing

four Follow up: Now notice what you received. What you receive will get more specific and voluminous over time. Pay heed to what you hear. The ‘voice’ of the soul is enmeshed into your thinking and your thoughts. It’s always present. Acknowledge it and follow-up.

When done regularly these steps allow you to enter the ‘Theta’ brain wave level of consciousness. Like any habit it takes at least 30 days of practice to create new neural pathways. Make it an exquisite experience, don’t turn it into a must-do kind of an activity. Janet warns that you shouldn’t attempt this exercise if you want to stay complacent and not make any major changes in your life! All good must come from change. And when you connect with that ‘voice’ from deep inside you, your life will start to change, forever…

Resources: www.writingdownyoursoul.com 

  • ‘Plug-in’ workshops for creators, writers and artists
  • ‘You are a Lily’ a tele-class and Janet’s next book!
  • Sign up for her newsletter

Recommendation: Writing Down Your Soul

Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice WithinKindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless)