You cannot get ahead while you are getting even. – Dick Armey
getting even
Do you get even? Even when we don’t do so explicitly, we often do get even, in hidden and subtle ways. How you might ask? We do it when we correct folks, we do it when we live and act as though we know it all, we do it when we ignore people purposely or when we refuse to engage with someone for one reason or another. We get even in thought, word and sometimes in deed.
getting ahead
Whenever we get even, in any fashion, we hamper our peace and happiness. Getting even affects our growth because it holds us from conquering our ego-self. It’s important time, energy and negative attention spent on the ‘other’ rather than on ‘self’.
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM humble! I let others be.
Recommendation: Thoughts Become Things! by Mike Dooley