Tag Archives: life purpose

Passion, Obsession and Joy!

To achieve your goal, your life may sound like a perfume counter – full of Passion and Obsession, leading to Joy.John-Roger McWilliams

What is your goal in life? Passion and obsession about any goal will do at least 2 things:

  1. Either it’s a goal worth pursuing in which case you’ll be closer to your Life Purpose. Which only leads to more passion and joy!
  2. You will learn a lesson or two during your journey in the pursuit of a goal that eventually turns out to be not that fulfilling, in which case you’ll still be closer to your Life Purpose!

Being passionate about any goal ain’t such a bad thing!

Go be a fragrant being!

Recommendation: Do It!: Let’s Get Off Our Buts

We do not know enough to be pessimistic!

If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic. Hazel Henderson

Isn’t that the trick? We simply don’t know enough about the future!

It’s in our best interests to be stay positive and jump in without too many preconceived notions.

Thus we can truly handle whatever God throws at us! Let’s play until the very end.

Recommendation: Thoughts Become Things

Are you making a life or a living?

True masters are those who have chosen to make a life, rather than a living?Neale Donald Walsch

On what topic do we spend most of our thoughts, daily? The whole idea of material progress was to effect more leisure time so that we could do things and think about things that really matter.

Why hasn’t that happened for most of us? How does one make a life out of all that we do?

  • What’s truly most important to you?
  • How much are you being rather than doing?

Recommendation: True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make

Let your light shine forth!

Make small commitments and keep them. Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Stephen R. Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Our approach to life and our own-selves must be a positive one. Let’s notice the negativities in life and turn them around. Always look for the silver lining.

A light, ever lit, shines within you, waiting to emerge. Let it out via your positive and selfless outlook. Allow it to shine, as you forgive all, even yourself. Now look for ways to help and serve others, all day.

Recommendation: David Riklan’s Video on the 7 habits

Only through love

Life in abundance comes only through great love. Elbert Hubbard 

How filled with love is your life? How about your pursuits, desires and even mundane activities?

Imagine how much bigger any relationship is when it’s full of love. How much do we look forward to our day when our job is truly fulfilling? Which can only happen if we love our job. What if you were in love with life itself? How would that make your day, week or whole year?

Here’s the problem though, you can’t easily love external objects and beings if you’re not comfortable in your own skin, if you don’t appreciate your own self, if you don’t love yourself.

Love is the currency of the universe, it’s the underlying reality of it all. Live in love and you’ve figured out one of life’s deepest mysteries!

Love it up!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All AboutLeo F. Buscaglia

How to be creative

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. Erich Fromm (Interview) 

2 comments on creativity.

  1. Don’t think you’re not creative. Any thing that’s beautiful or good that you do in your own unique way, whether it’s a piece of art or the artful way you converse or understand others, is being creative. Most of us, knowingly or unknowingly convince ourselves that we’re not creative, the truth is quite the opposite, give yourself some credit!
  2. You can be more creative. When you stay more in the moment (not overcome by your mind chatter), being playful and are not ruled by your biases and expectations. Our biases, expectations, assumptions and certainties about anything limits us, which limits our creativity.

What say you?

Recommendation: The Art of Being by Erich Fromm