Only through love

Life in abundance comes only through great love. Elbert Hubbard 

How filled with love is your life? How about your pursuits, desires and even mundane activities?

Imagine how much bigger any relationship is when it’s full of love. How much do we look forward to our day when our job is truly fulfilling? Which can only happen if we love our job. What if you were in love with life itself? How would that make your day, week or whole year?

Here’s the problem though, you can’t easily love external objects and beings if you’re not comfortable in your own skin, if you don’t appreciate your own self, if you don’t love yourself.

Love is the currency of the universe, it’s the underlying reality of it all. Live in love and you’ve figured out one of life’s deepest mysteries!

Love it up!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All AboutLeo F. Buscaglia