Category Archives: Stillness

Your Body

Know that your body is the temple of the living God; there you may seek communion. There you may seek counsel as to the choices to be made, the directions to be taken. Edgar Cayce

setting the stage

Step back for a moment.

See yourself, observe your body, examine your place in your family, society and on this planet. What is your ultimate purpose? If it is to discover reality, find happiness and realize whence you came, then you must set the stage first. Setting the stage means that your mind and your body must be in good shape. How do you get there? Next steps?

making contact

If reality (God) resides within us, what do we think it/he is doing there? What does this mean to us? What if anything will we do about it? Lot’s to think and journal about!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a powerhouse of health and vibrancy!

Recommendation: God Is Closer Than You Think

God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet GodKindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Enforcing Understanding

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.Albert Einstein

force is commonplace

The quote seems pretty obvious, but how much do we use or try to use force in our own lives? Here are some ways, can you think of other ways?

  • How we ram stuff/ideas down our children’s throats
  • How we get so flustered when people don’t behave as expected. The anger or disappointment is a form of force that affects us directly.
  • How we force our own selves to do, like and dislike ideas and actions.
  • How we cry and plead with God/Universe/Life that certain things happen as we please, when we refuse to accept certain realities and keep banging our heads against inevitabilities.

understanding is like common sense

Common sense, it is said, is quite uncommon. So is the use of understanding. If we understand ourselves, what gets to us, what lights our fire and what we need to be happy, then the road to peace and equanimity is clear. We then understand what we as puny humans can do, and what we must simply allow to happen. Internal peace follows. Understanding others, is next. Peace around the world can then follow.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM humbled and I seek understanding.

Recommendation: Zen And the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentiss

Zen And the Art of HappinessKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Move From Within

Move from within. Don’t move the way fear wants you to move.Rumi


Most of our daily living is on the surface. Living at the surface means reacting to life, we worry about silly stuff and we worry about important stuff. We worry about our looks, how we appear to others, about our weight, our financial well-being, about our jobs, about our relationships, about our kids and much else. When operating from the surface we get knocked by the winds and get swayed by the currents of life. We live in fear, mostly.

love and knowing

There’s a deeper way of living. This way is one of connection, to our inner self, to love, to knowing, to fulfillment and to contentment. The way to this kind of living is via self-knowledge, reflection, journaling, meditation and decision-making. This blog is devoted to exploring, exposing and living this way.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM centered, I move from within.

Recommendation: Meditations from Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch

Meditations from Conversations With GodKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)(Now only $189)

Daily Awakening

If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.Gail Sheehy

daily routine?

How about an awakening a day (AWAD)? Now, that really depends on what we want to get out of each day. If we go through a day with the same mindset, each time, then we sink into a routine-ized morose of a day which can often be boring and certainly not scintillating!

a new set of eyes

Instead what we need is a new pair of eyes! Eyes that see each day as it truly is, totally unique and never repeatable. Kind of like us. Each moment is brand new, it’s the canvas we can draw on. The challenge is to not forget this beauty and opportunity that is ours to grab, each moment, of each day!

Daily Affirmation: Today I see, without assumptions that cloud my vision.

Recommendation: The awakening of Intelligence by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Awakening of Intelligence, TheKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Let It Be…

Let be and be still, and know that I am God.Psalm 46:10

let be

This is a famous Psalm and very often quoted. The standard translation is ‘Be still and know that I am God’. I love the translation above because it encapsulates meditation and even life itself!

When sitting for meditation just let be.

  • Allow your breathing to slow down
  • Let all body tension melt away. Allow your body to relax completely.
  • The mind should stay alert and not dwell on any thought. Let the thoughts arise and let them be.
  • Whenever you notice anything, a discomfort, a thought, a feeling, just let it be, don’t entertain it, let it disappear due to a lack of attention to it.

be still

When you just let be stillness occurs. You can now find yourself in a very calm and alert state. This can take a while, but it does happen with practice. You’ll be amazed and ecstatic when it does! Stay here for a while. This is stillness, a form of meditation.

know god

In this alert and calm state, joy emerges. You will experience peace as you never otherwise know it. In this eternal present moment, all creativity is possible, but greater still, God is present. Experience it and know.

Daily Affirmation: Today I will let life be, I will inhabit the NOW moment!

Recommendation: God Is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg


God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet GodKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

A Tidy Soul

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.Mark Twain

what is it?

A tidy soul is one that’s content, peaceful and driven towards higher goals. As the Bible says ‘Seek ye first the kingdom on God’…we must seek the higher goal, first, the goal to have a ‘tidy soul’, everything else takes care of itself.

unify body, mind and soul

A unified body, mind and soul yields the peace and contentment we seek. Further when the 3 are united, a balanced creativity flows from the being, the kind which yields the highest growth. So how do you unify these 3 systems?

A body of healthy habits and diet, a mind that can focus and achieve results and a soul that seeks the highest values in life. The 3 are ideally brought together in spiritual pursuits including stillness and meditation.

Daily Affirmation: Today I bring my mind and body together in awareness.

Recommendation: Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting FulfillmentKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

How to: Write Your Soul Down!

When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you, a joy.  – Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Writing down your soul?

What does that mean?

Janet Conner explains very eloquently in her book: ‘Writing Down your Soul’ and in this interview, that the ‘Soul’ is a name for that part of you, inside you, that’s wise and knowing. And that anyone, that’s right anyone, can access that wisdom readily by following the 4 steps below.

Not too long ago Janet’s life changed, very dramatically. While in the throes of that situation, the ‘voice’ discovered her! Actually it was her dog that led her to what she needed at that crucial time in her life. Listen to her here in Part 1 of my interview with her.

Did you know that when you practice the kind of writing that Janet describes in her book and in her interview, your brain operates at the ‘Theta’ brain wave state? Did you realize that in that state your body becomes stronger and healthier, that the levels of t-lymphcytes shoot up? In that state you gain access to your deeper self and greater creativity. On the other hand unexpressed emotions actually constrict blood flow to your brain! And ‘emotion peptides’ in each cell of you body control your emotions. A ‘Theory of Emotion’ that talks about the molecules of emotion was coined by Candace Pert.

Janet discusses all this and much more in her book! Janet’s goal is to have everyone get in touch with their own inner creativity and bless the world in their unique ways!

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.  – Anne Sexton

The Four Steps

Listen to the interview here

one Show up: Ideally setup a regular time and place where you make your daily date with reality. Yes this is your opportunity to connect with reality at a deeper-than-normal level!

two Open up: Start with a prayer or an intention to connect. Then pick up your pen and start writing away! If you’re on a computer, close your eyes as you type. If you can’t type that way then you should hand-write. As you write you want to a. Share with your soul what’s on the top of your mind. b. Write about your emotions and what’s bothering you. Dig deep within you to access parts that don’t easily show up otherwise. c. Write with abandon. Don’t stop or hesitate, don’t worry about grammar or spelling errors. Write what comes to mind.

three Listen up: After you’ve poured your heart out. It’s your turn to listen and ask questions. Now a. Be in the moment and trust that your soul will now communicate with you b. Listen deeply, notice thoughts that come up, write them down c. Write what comes to you. d. Ask questions e. Keep writing

four Follow up: Now notice what you received. What you receive will get more specific and voluminous over time. Pay heed to what you hear. The ‘voice’ of the soul is enmeshed into your thinking and your thoughts. It’s always present. Acknowledge it and follow-up.

When done regularly these steps allow you to enter the ‘Theta’ brain wave level of consciousness. Like any habit it takes at least 30 days of practice to create new neural pathways. Make it an exquisite experience, don’t turn it into a must-do kind of an activity. Janet warns that you shouldn’t attempt this exercise if you want to stay complacent and not make any major changes in your life! All good must come from change. And when you connect with that ‘voice’ from deep inside you, your life will start to change, forever…


  • ‘Plug-in’ workshops for creators, writers and artists
  • ‘You are a Lily’ a tele-class and Janet’s next book!
  • Sign up for her newsletter

Recommendation: Writing Down Your Soul

Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice WithinKindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless)