Category Archives: Quotes – 2012

How To Be Noble…

The wise man is a noble soul who is friendly in the midst of his enemies, tranquil among the turbulent, and generous among the grasping. Buddhism in the Urantia Book

true nobility

The wise and noble being is gentle and at peace with self. Such a person is naturally giving to those who grasp for that which they think they need. In truth no one needs anything, we are already complete, but alas, such is not the case for our ego driven minds… True nobility is discovering and then moving from our quiet center. This center is not of the mind.

How To Get It All Done…

Everything is accomplished especially when ‘I’ do nothing. –

leave the ‘I’ out…

All trouble and suffering is created when the ‘I’ butts in. If we can leave the personal out of all that we do then everything gets done and only genuine happiness is the result.

The Root Of All Suffering? It’s Not Money…

All suffering stems from the ‘I’ thought. –

it’s I

Think of any pain or suffering you’ve experienced. Would all of it mean anything if it wasn’t happening to you? What if it isn’t? What if the very ‘I’ we think we are isn’t quite there? Want to explore this idea further? Write to me at manu[at]…