What’s The Most Important Occupation?

Let the beauty you love be what you do.Rumi (the untold story)


What do we do when we’re bored? How do we fill our ‘free’ time? What is it that takes us away from the preciousness of the current moment? Where does our mind tend to lead us? Who would we rather follow?


What would happen if we only sought after Truth, Beauty and Goodness? What if our only aim was to love? Such a pursuit would guarantee a peace that passes all understanding. Love, being the very underpinning of all reality, would carry us forward. We would have naught to worry about. Love would nudge us gently into experiencing Life fully.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM love itself…


The Essential Rumi, New Expanded EditionA Year with Rumi: Daily ReadingsKindle Paperwhite, 6