What’s Our Purpose?

Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

it’s all good

Do we ever get the feeling that everything’s got to have a purpose, that we have got to have a purpose, otherwise all that we do is for naught? Well that’s exactly how it is. There’s a purpose and a season for everything and everyone.


  • What is our purpose in life?
  • What have events in our life prepared us to do, today?
  • Or what are they preparing us to do eventually?

Answers to these questions and real direction can be had if we but “learn to get in touch with silence within yourself”. Are we going to try that?


Today I AM still and feeling good. I AM confident that all’s well. I can feel God’s blessings in my life. And am ready to embrace each new moment!

Recommendation: On Life After Death by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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