Tag Archives: Truth

Prayer of St. Teresa

May today there be peace within
May you trust your highest power
that you are exactly where you are meant to be…. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you….
May you be content knowing you are a child of God….
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your
soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun….
It is there for each and every one of you….

Prayer of St. Teresa

The all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving God of ALL THAT IS, is within you.

Pause to think what that means…….

Recommendation: The Way of Perfection

How to be creative

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. Erich Fromm (Interview) 

2 comments on creativity.

  1. Don’t think you’re not creative. Any thing that’s beautiful or good that you do in your own unique way, whether it’s a piece of art or the artful way you converse or understand others, is being creative. Most of us, knowingly or unknowingly convince ourselves that we’re not creative, the truth is quite the opposite, give yourself some credit!
  2. You can be more creative. When you stay more in the moment (not overcome by your mind chatter), being playful and are not ruled by your biases and expectations. Our biases, expectations, assumptions and certainties about anything limits us, which limits our creativity.

What say you?

Recommendation: The Art of Being by Erich Fromm

Paint the outcome you desire

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal. Norman Vincent Peale

You control your thoughts and therefore control your actions. But for these thoughts to turn into things you must be at a high vibrational level. You’re at a high vibrational level when you think positive thoughts, feel joy in your being, are happy, feel love and optimism!  Then you simply leave the ‘how’ to God or the Universe.

That does the trick!

So the steps are:

  1. Picture what you’d like
  2. Stay joyous, happy and positive.
  3. Leave the rest to providence.
  4. Enjoy! 

Recommendation: Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things! – Mike Dooley

To understand is to forgive

To understand is to forgive, even oneself. – Alexander Chase 

  • Do we understand why the person who irritates you acted in that fashion?
  • Do we understand why we got irritated, what was it exactly? 

With deeper, below the surface understanding we can truly know another, their real motives. With careful observation we can also uncover our own tendencies and motives. We can then be forgiving towards one and all, including ourselves.

Not being able to forgive is the biggest hurdle to living a spiritual and peaceful life!


Recommendation: The Awakening of Intelligence

You are on the path…

The question is not, why start off on such a path? You have already started off. You did so with the first beat of your heart. The question is: Do I wish to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously?Neal Donald Walsch (Meditations from Conversations with God)


You’re on the spiritual path whether you know it or not.

  • So how can you make the most of it?
  • How can a more conscious spiritual life contribute to your happiness or life effectiveness?
  • What’s missing in your life?
  • What would you love to have more of?
  • Where-to is your life leading, ultimately?
  • When will you spend time thinking about these things?

Recommendation: Meditations from Conversations with God – Neal Donald Walsch

What are you looking for?

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.Sir John Lubbock


Do we ever pause to think, where our thoughts come from; I mean how did a particular thought arise or what caused it?

Once a thought arises what events (past or present), tendencies, biases and inclinations color this thought?

Our entire life experience is run by the thoughts we manufacture about what’s going on, these thoughts in turn are colored by our personality and life events.

Be aware of what you think and hence what you see.


Recommendation: Awareness by Anthony De Mello

How much of your life are you spending in fear?

Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.The Urantia Papers


Why do we let our fears dominate us?

It’s because we don’t see them creeping up on us. Any time you feel depression setting or a feel uneasy, start paying attention to your thoughts. You’ll soon be able to trace that unease to an unreasonable fear you have of something or someone.


If you can become aware of such fearful thoughts you’re well on your way to recognizing the ‘fraud’ they’re playing in your life. Take control, you own your thoughts, you own your being, don’t let just any thought control you.


You have inside you a true faith that just needs some sustenance, some attention. So instead of running along with fearful thoughts, choose loving and more confidence building thoughts. You are your own master.


Recommendation: Gateways to NowEckhart Tolle