Tag Archives: relationships

How Not To Criticize…

Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.  – Christian D. Larson


We love to judge. It’s built into our psyche. We judge others and judge self. It’s non-stop because we like to compare things and people. Through comparison we make decisions and take actions.


We’re God’s children and have infinite potential hidden inside us. There’s no point lingering on our or others’ faults. Let’s focus, instead, on how we can get better at loving and appreciating.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM loving and appreciating…

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of MindKindle Paperwhite, 6

Where Are We, Now?

It is only about what you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting.  – Abraham


How are we feeling right now? What’s the state of our mind? Are we content and happy? What are our thoughts about others?


The awareness of now and where we are in relation to it is important. Now is indeed a ‘fresh’ moment and how we show up in it is what matters. Let’s assert control over our thoughts and feelings. We then become kings and queens of our destiny!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM in control!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of AbrahamKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Live a Charmed Life!

You can live a charmed life by causing others to live a charmed life.Neale Donald Walsch


We are selfish. And that’s the main reason why we suffer.

the best life

There is a fail-proof way to ensure the ‘best’ life for us. It’s achieved by living for others. The Universal spiritual economy is setup on this essential Godly principle. To love and to share. God did it first, now it’s our turn.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM love in action!

Recommendation: Meditations from Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch

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Why We Suffer…

People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them.  – Peace Pilgrim


Life is mostly about us. And therein lies the rub. It’s super hard for us to get out of our own skin. We can’t truly understand the other’s point-of-view.


Most relationship problems exist because of the expectations we have of others. And these expectations are born from our own selfish outlook. We must look into our own heart before we attempt to judge others…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM listening more than talking…

Recommendation: Peace Pilgrim by Peace Pilgrim

Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own WordsKindle Paperwhite, 6

Why We Are A Gift!

"Be yourself" is about the worst advice you can give some people.  – Tom Masson


When people are hard to get along with, are they really being themselves? Probably not. We’re constantly being what we’re not, often just to please others… Nevertheless the exhort to ‘Be Yourself’ is never bad advice.

be a gift

We are universally unique personalities. No one else in all of time and space can be us, ever. We are a gift from God. Let’s uncover this gift and make it available to others!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a blossoming gift to the world!

Recommendation: Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken… by Mike Robbins

Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of AuthenticityKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Be Super Successful!

Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come…  – Audrey Hepburn


We don’t know how much time we have on this planet. We don’t know when things might change in a flash. Now is all we have. Let’s embrace this ancient wisdom.


Let’s cherish the day and the lovely people that surround us. Let’s be grateful for everything that we enjoy. And love everyone before they disappear. This is it, now.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM embracing NOW!

Recommendation: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Respond?

[We may] respond to any situation with either love, generosity and trust; or with fear, self-concern suspicion.  – Rebel Angel Georgia

world view

What is our world view? Are we fearful and concerned? Or are we hopeful and trusting?


It’s critical that we fine tune our world view and respond accordingly in each moment or situation. Our well-being and that of the planet depends on it!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM responding with love and trust!

Recommendation: Confessions of a Rebel Angel by Timothy Wyllie

Confessions of a Rebel Angel: The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Destiny of Planet EarthKindle Paperwhite, 6