Tag Archives: positive thinking

What Can It or I Be?

It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

what is

It’s not about what we are today or what we think we are. It’s not about what a situation is today or what we think it is.

We should stop thinking about the ‘problem’. We may approach life as if it’s a game, because it is a massively simulated reality in which we play pivotal roles… We can never be lost, we can’t ultimately be hurt, we are like children in a playground…

vs. what can be

It’s all about potential, it’s about dreams, it’s about our vision, it’s about what tomorrow can be. It’s about us on this planet.

It’s about what’s possible…

So let’s play as though there’s nothing to lose, there is nothing to lose. But a whole lot to gain! We ultimately gain us, our complete self. We understand, finally, how this all fits in and how we’re all related… We gain a brand new world, one of very own dreams!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM possibilitarian!!

Recommendation: The Lorax (Classic Seuss) by Dr. Seuss

The Lorax (Classic Seuss)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why A New Beginning Is Needed!

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.Little Gidding by TS Eliot


See you back on January 2nd, 2012!

2012 is kicking off real soon! Let’s celebrate our 2011 achievements and be extremely thankful for what is. It’s time to reflect. Here are some possibilities!

  • Why is life worth living?
  • What’s unique about me?
  • Whose life can I impact positively?
  • What’s my next step?
  • What can I celebrate about life today?

a new beginning

Let’s become possibilitarians, because life is all about possibilities that we create and co-create with others. God is a partner too, let’s not forget that. Let’s intend to start afresh after some soul-searching and make 2012 our best year ever!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM thankful!

Recommendation: Gratitude: A Daily Journal by Jack Canfield

Gratitude: A Daily JournalKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why We Must Be Thankful!

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.Fredrich Koenig

happy thanksgiving 2011!

It’s Thanksgiving time in the United States on Thursday November 24th. Such a great reminder for us all to be supremely grateful for all that’s lovely in our lives! We are thankful God for life as we’re living it, help us be of value to others… 

gratitude leads to happiness!

It’s been proven that gratitude leads to happiness. In this one study Dr. Robert Emmons showed “that individuals that wrote down what they were grateful for on a weekly basis were 25% happier, more optimistic about the future, felt better about their lives, and exercised 1.5 hours more per week than those who didn’t record their gratitude.

Another study at Hofstra found that “among teens, gratitude resulted in higher grades, more life satisfaction, better social integration and less envy and depression.

Being grateful results in:

  1. Being healthier
  2. Better relationships with everyone around us
  3. More satisfaction at work

It’s a total Win-Win-Win situation every way we look at it!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM grateful!

Recommendation: Even Happier: A Gratitude Journal… by Tal Ben-Shahar

Even Happier: A Gratitude Journal for Daily Joy and Lasting FulfillmentKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why YOU Are It!

You are something new in this world. Be glad of it.Dale Carnegie


Ok, you and I, are totally unique, in all of time and all of space… Let’s allow that to totally sink in! Let’s meditate on the enormity of what this means to us and those around us…


Let’s rejoice in this spiritual fact! We have so much to celebrate! We are God’s special children. How should we feel about this? What will we do with our specialness? How is our time best spent?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the ONE!

Recommendation: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start LivingKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Where Does The Buck Stop?

You are the center of divine operation in your life, and your partner is the Universe. No one can get in the way of your creation.Rhonda Byrne

the center

God’s focus is on us! We are supremely valuable to her, we may be able to do without her for some time but she can’t do without us even for a moment! Can we believe that? Our self-worth suffers tremendously when we don’t accept this essential spiritual fact in faith. And herein lies the key to ‘peace beyond all understanding’.

god child

We are God children. We’re God’s children. All humans are our siblings. We live a spiritual life even when we don’t realize it. We’re responsible for our own well-being. Nothing stands between us and God, between us and true happiness, between us and a most fulfilling life, nothing!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a child of God!

Recommendation: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The SecretKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Sincere Appreciation Works!

The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.Charles M Schwab


We all have a big need to feel important. By making the other person feel important we can build amazing relationships. Dale Carnegie states that the 2nd principle in winning people over is to ‘Give honest, sincere appreciation’.


Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If we make the soul-effort to find that which is great and noteworthy in the other individual we can honestly point that out and make the other person feel important. Only goodness can come from that!

Daily Affirmation: Today I notice others’ greatness!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Judging Doesn’t Help!

God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days. Why should you and I?Dr. Johnson


I just started reading this classic by Dale Carnegie (linked below) and the first principle he shares on how to build great relationships is ‘Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain’! We are complex beings, a muddle of ego, emotions and opinions, we do have to tread carefully when attempting to build long term relationships! When we put someone down by telling them exactly why they’re wrong we rarely achieve the goal of nurturing great relationships. Criticism puts the recipient into a defensive mode and their hurt ego cannot easily respond back positively.

judge not

Why should we judge anyway? Putting self into that mode transports us into that negative vibration and makes life for us more like the recipient of our judgment. Have we observed how often we experience that which we noticed or ‘judged’ in another’s experience? Why is that? The more we stay in a positive vibration, the better it simply is!

Daily Affirmation: Today I judge not!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7