Tag Archives: Meditation

What’s The Greatest Wealth?

Contentment is the greatest wealth.The Urantia Papers


  • How do we define success for ourselves?

  • What is true wealth?

  • How much is enough?

  • What do we truly ‘need’?

  • What do we ultimately seek?


The very source of it all, the fountain of truth, the satisfaction of all our true desires, our eternal guide and our ultimate goal resides quietly within our hearts. It yearns to make contact, but often cannot because of the electro-chemical nature of our minds. It also does not because we don’t seek it. It never forces, but gently prods if we only listen. Stillness helps in making contact.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM satisfied and thankful.

Recommendation: The Urantia Papers

The Urantia Book: Indexed Version with free Audio Book on DVD (Can only be played on a computer with a DVD drive.)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

The Secret To Lasting Change

The heart of change: It is only when the totality of the human mind – mind being the nervous responses, the emotions, the everything that is you – completely responds, without any fragmentation in that response, that there is a new action taking place.  – Krishnamurti

sheer will power

Do we have the will to do it? How many times do we ask ourselves and others the same question? And how many times do we all fail, repeatedly? Why is it so hard to stick to something even when we want to?

our full attention instead

Deciding something at the mind level is not enough by itself. We must involve our emotional (mind) and spiritual faculties. This is the secret to lasting change. This explains why most of our New Year resolutions fail. For the mind to be involved there must be meaning attached to the goal. For our spiritual self to be incorporated the goal must align with long term purposes including higher desires such as self-actualization. Approaching any endeavor with our full attention and our complete being is the key all successful change!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM fully present.

Recommendation: Awakening of Intelligence by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Awakening of Intelligence, TheKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there—buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.Deepak Chopra


There are numerous definitions of meditation. One popular idea is that thoughts must cease for us to enter a meditative state. Certainly that could be classified as meditation; however for me meditation consists of 2 essentials:

  1. Discovering and resting in the peace that resides within us
  2. Making direct contact with God

stillness & inspiration

This peace that is nestled just under our stream of thoughts is very approachable. The trick is to be in a state of non-judgmental relaxed awareness. That means we just sit and be. We become relaxed in body and mind. We stay alert, i.e. not fall asleep and maintain awareness of all that goes on inside us, without manufacturing new thoughts about any of it.

Once we experience this peace it’s a great opportunity to:

  • Pray and make direct contact with God
  • Seek inspiration, which appears in the form of sudden thoughts an d ideas
  • Do creative thinking and planning

Here are some more tips from my site.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM.

Recommendation: Moments in Between: The Art of the Quiet Mind
by David Kundtz

Moments in Between: The Art of the Quiet MindKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Suffering Is Optional…

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.  – Zen Proverb

emotional pain

This quote references emotional pain. The kind of pain we feel when someone rejects us, abuses us, is nasty or behaves contrary to our expectation of them. How do you handle such pain?

we choose

We choose our reaction to life events. That reaction results in how we feel internally, whether we suffer or are at peace. Imagine an orange in your mind’s eye. For some of us our mouth will start to water and we might even sense a citrine aroma. Why is that? It’s because of our past experience with an orange. It’s not reality but we can feel and sense an orange nevertheless. Similarly we react when our self-image is affected in any manner by external events. Our self-image is impacted by external events, we identify closely with this self-image, we think it’s us, all it really is a bunch of reactions and a construction of our thoughts. We are not our thoughts, we are not our self-image. We are the awareness that witnesses the self-image. As soon as we can realize that and learn to step back, see things as they are, we can start to claim our true self. That self cannot feel pain or fear unless we choose it. Stillness quickens the acquisition of this self.

Daily Affirmation: Today I see truth.

Recommendation: Thich Nhat Hanh: Essential Writings by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh: Essential Writings (Modern Spiritual Masters Series)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Rise Above…

3.42 … greater than the senses is the mind. Greater than the mind is Buddhi, reason; and greater than reason is He – the Spirit in man and in all.

3.43 Know Him therefore who is above reason; and let his peace give thee peace. Be a warrior and kill desire, the powerful enemy of the soul.The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3)

our world

We live in a manufactured world of our thoughts. It’s the level of our ego. We get ensnared by desires, thinking they’ll satisfy. We get hurt by what others say, as though words can really hurt unless we give them meaning. We seek to control life, and others, thinking that’s the way to safety. But the ego never lets go, unless we do.

a warrior

We’re asked to recognize the real ‘enemy’, which is our ego-driven mind and its desires. We’re asked to rise above this level of mind, by first recognizing that the Spirit resides within us and then attempting to find the peace that comes through identification with that Spirit. Such an embrace is hastened by discerning, self-questioning thoughts and stillness.

Daily Affirmation: Today I rise above my ego.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

All In Our Mind

All my life I’ve watched people waiting for someone else to make them happy. The way I got it figured, the only one who can make you happy is you. – Aaron Martinson

who or what next?

What will we buy next to quench our desires and to become happy? Who must be a certain way for us to be pleased? What must happen at work and in our careers for us to be satiated? What do we yearn for? What do we truly desire?

all in our mind

Heard that story about the fisherman in Mexico discovered by an American Tourist? If not here it is, pick any link. It’s funny we know this truth but we’re nevertheless compelled to keep seeking. The truth is: We have everything right now to be happy. It’s pretty much all in our mind (and hearts), how we think, what we make of who we are, what we have and what’ll satisfy us. It’s a fine balance of course, we must still strive for the better life. But when is it enough? How do we distinguish between the ever-lasting and the temporal?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM satisfied.

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of MindKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Selfless Action

3.25 Even as the unwise work selfishly in the bondage of selfish works, let the wise man work unselfishly for the good of all the world.

3.30 Offer to me all thy works and rest thy mind on the Supreme. Be free from vain hopes and selfish thoughts, and with inner peace fight thou thy fight..The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3)

selfless work

The highest work is that which is done for the greater benefit of others and is done without thought of selfish gain. That is one clear message from this religious tome of ancient India.

inner peace

Inner peace is the foundation necessary for real growth in life. On such soil can be born intentions and resolutions that will lead to divinely inspired actions and results. Such actions will not be binding and will affect the larger good.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM divinely guided.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6