Tag Archives: Just do it

How Stuff Happens…

It’s not your work to make anything happen. It’s your work to dream it and let it happen.Abraham

dream it

Universal energy is in motion. God is experiencing himself through his creation including us. We are creative beings that make stuff happen in time and in space. The way to make stuff happen is to dream it up first and then allow creative energy to work through us and others to manifest the vision. We dream and then allow the energy to flow…


Today I AM a dreamer. I dream and then I let go. I allow God’s energy and love to flow through me. Everything works out for me. The right people walk into my life and the appropriate circumstances fall into place for me. Life really is good!!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of AbrahamKindle Paperwhite, 6

What’s The Risk Of Inaction?

There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.John F. Kennedy


What’s the cost of your inaction today? How long will we stay in our comfort zone, essentially fooling self? Time for some self-examination and truth telling!

Here are some ways in which we might be selling ourselves short:

  • Not expressing love because we feel shy or lazy.
  • Not saying yes to an opportunity because we’re afraid.
  • Saying yes to too much work because work is our comfort zone!
  • Being lazy about our health because staying healthy can be hard work.

Notice that a ‘comfort zone’ comes in many varieties, let’s be aware of them, and assert our will, for what is truly good for us.


Today I awaken! I act when necessary. I AM hopeful for my future well-being and act accordingly. I banish fear. I embrace uncertainty. I AM ready for change. I thrive, no matter what! God is my partner so why should I worry?

Recommendation: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

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Why Follow Our Bliss?

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. Joseph Campbell

bliss it!

When we follow our bliss, we end up manufacturing joy! In that state it’s easy to connect with the life-blood of the Universe and our Life Purpose! When we’re in the zone (or flow) life starts to happen in a synchronistic fashion. That’s when we know that we’re on to something! Latch on to it and pursue your bliss to a fun, fulfilling and very meaningful life!


Today I rejoice! God’s still alive and so AM I! Everything around me supports my blissful growth. Every step I take leads to an adventure that I can’t fathom today! I can’t take any wrong steps. All things work out for me, they always have and always will! God is great!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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How To Achieve Our Destiny!

Destiny is not a matter of chance;

it is a matter of choice.

It is not a thing to be waited for;

it is a thing to be achieved. 

William Jennings Bryan


It’s our life and our destiny that we control; by our thoughts, determinations, agreements, affirmations, assumptions, desires, habits, actions and goals!

Let’s talk about agreements today, what are they? They are larger assumptions that we live by. An example might be: ‘My parents divorced when I was a kid, no one really loves me, not even God’. Another one could be: ‘I’ve failed in many of my major endeavors in life, I can’t make a success out of anything’. Such basic but major assumptions define, to a large extent, what we’ll experience in life. We do learn a lot from adversity so is it worthwhile to try and create a perfect life? God does want us to be happy but she also wants us to grow as humans into reliable and mature beings. So in my opinion the attempt to use the ‘Law of Attraction’ to create an ideal life is a little misplaced. A truly fulfilling life can only be obtained when our life is in lock-step with the Universal Mind, God’s Will. Living with God as our partner is to actually fulfill our destiny. Let’s ponder that…


Today I know I AM loved and cherished by God. My life and every decision I make is worthwhile. I make great choices and take care of my physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Everyone adores me because I care for them and am selfless in my actions towards them. Life has never been better and I welcome a constant partnership with God as I take each step forward. Thank you God, I appreciate it all!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Paperwhite, 6

Why Smile?

Actually, smiling or laughing for no reason at all is one of the best reasons to smile or laugh. Because doing either, turns wheels in the unseen, rearranges players in your life, and summons reason after reason after reason. Grins.The Universe

grin Smile

Let’s smile more. Laughter should be common-place in our lives. If we can’t enjoy and appreciate our lives daily, then life isn’t worth living. We make it more worthwhile by laughing and smiling often. Let’s just do that!


Today I AM smiling. I smile on my face and on the inside. I love life! I appreciate all that I AM and that I have. I smile when I wake up. I laugh at everything silly and funny. I smile when I spot a family member or a friend. I smile when I see another smile. I laugh often. Life couldn’t be better!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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What’s Impossible?

I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done. Henry Ford


Henry Ford knew that he wanted folks with enthusiasm and passion, folks with the spirit that would push beyond obstacles considered impossible with prior knowledge! What we know sometimes works against us. Humanity has an often hidden indomitable spirit which cannot spring into action if we’re not psychologically ready. To achieve the difficult and even the impossible, our frame of mind must be one of extreme positivity and selective ignorance. After all we create our own future!


I AM ready now. I can handle anything thrown at me. I AM quick and agile. I know that I can achieve what I set out to do. I AM guided by God and all things are possible for the one who believes. Life flows smoothly and all is well.

Recommendation: The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal LifeKindle Paperwhite, 6

How Can We Get There?

Perfections of means and confusion of goals seem – in my opinion to – characterize our age.Albert Einstein

which goal, how?

We think we know what we want and we also think we know how to get there. Often we’re mistaken on both counts.

If we don’t know what we really want, the ways we choose to get to those goals don’t matter. If we know what we want but the methods we choose are not the right ones, then it gets frustrating. Which is why frustration abounds on this planet. We’re focused on some goal, through means that we try and perfect. As we try and perfect these means we forget our end goal, we get lost in the means, along the way… We must know and remember what we truly desire. It’s important that we follow our North Star! Do we know how to find it? Do we know how to stay on track?


Today I AM guided by my internal North Star. I get still and listen. I follow the prompts from my ‘still, small voice’. I also look for the constant clues that surround me. The Universe is a living entity that constantly guides me. I AM protected and safe. I play in a most fancy and interactive playground. I like to play, and I enjoy living! I AM very thankful.

Recommendation: Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Way of the Peaceful WarriorKindle Paperwhite, 6