Tag Archives: happiness

What is success to you?

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.Thomas Edison

What is success for you? It’s very important to know what you truly value in life. That in turn will help you define what success will be for you.

Where have you found success already? Asking this question will help you realize all that you have and all that you are. Maybe you’re successful already?

What more do you seek? This question can lead you to vistas and experiences unknown right now. It can also encourage you to stay on the determined path so that you don’t give up too early.

Recommendation: Little Gold Book of YES!

Nothing more precious…

Nothing is worth more than this day. Goethe

How often do we forget, that we don’t have all eternity (at least here and now!). We start thinking each day is just like another, mundane and boring. Don’t we all do that? Why do we forget that each day is truly unique, every moment that we breathe is like none other before? This is actually a testament to God’s creativity that everyone and everything is brand new, moment by moment and daily!

So let’s breathe in this perspective and enjoy each moment as best we can. Enjoy this day as one that’ll be gone forever soon enough. Realize that maybe this is the last year of our life, how should we live it?

Go kick some tires, smell some roses, peck some cheeks and yell ‘hooray’ once in a while, Life is Good (Part 2)!

Recommendation: Love: What Is Life All About

All events are blessings…

Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Do you ever get the feeling that everything’s got to have a purpose, that you have got to have a purpose, otherwise all that we do is for naught?

Well that’s exactly how it is. There’s a purpose and a season for everything and everyone.


  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What have events in your life prepared you to do, today?
  • Or what are they preparing you to do eventually?

Answers to these questions and real direction can be had if you but “learn to get in touch with silence within yourself”.

Are you going to try it?

Recommendation: On Life After Death by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Blessed in so many ways

Turn your attention to the many ways in which you are blessed in your life; think of these things with sincerity, and you will discover an endless stream of blessings that come to you. – Teacher Olfana

Every time we think, it’s a thought we’re choosing. And each of those times it’s up to us if we want to choose a positive thought or one that doesn’t serve us. If you believe that thoughts that you think today manifest themselves in our lives tomorrow, then all the more reason you want to pick just the right thoughts. You are your own master, don’t relinquish that right.

One great way to have the right kind of thoughts is to keep your focus on what’s working really well in your life. Be thankful.

Some of the most powerful ideas that work are that simple.

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

We do not know enough to be pessimistic!

If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic. Hazel Henderson

Isn’t that the trick? We simply don’t know enough about the future!

It’s in our best interests to be stay positive and jump in without too many preconceived notions.

Thus we can truly handle whatever God throws at us! Let’s play until the very end.

Recommendation: Thoughts Become Things

Joy happens when…

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. – Marianne Williamson

First acknowledge all that’s good and great about what you have and all that you are. Know it and feel it. Express gratitude. Stay in this state as long as you can!

Next, flow with life. Because joy is also something that happens when we accept things to be just as they are. And don’t try to fight circumstances. Just flow.

Life is good!

Recommendation: Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering

No peace without forgiveness

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness. Marianne Williamson (Video)

How many resentments can we harbor? We pay a price for each resentment that we make our own. We can never truly rest or be peaceful until the psychological baggage of any resentment is resolved. And that transaction is completed only when we truly forgive.

Here’s a secret. God’s love and forgiveness can’t be felt in our heart until we can completely forgive all those who might have hurt us in anyway. It makes for a major spiritual block. Try this right now, in your mind find someone who irritates you or who you haven’t forgiven yet. Now visualize them and completely forgive them if you can. If you do, you’ll immediately feel a very palpable peace (a lightness) descend into your heart.

Forgiveness is the first step to peace, even to effective meditation. Ideally we should forgive daily.

Recommendation: Everyday Grace