Tag Archives: happiness

Life is good!

When such as I cast out remorse

So great a sweetness flows into the breast

We must laugh and we must sing,

We are blest by everything,

Everything we look upon is blest. William Butler Yeats

It’s mostly up to us, how we see our selves, our surroundings and life itself. As we see, so we project, as we project, our life is created.

You are the architect of you life, don’t take this responsibility too lightly. And never blame others or circumstances. Ask yourself first, how should I react, what can I do…?

When we see life as holy, ourselves as holy, we bless everything as life itself blesses us!! Yay!!

Recommendation: Dancing with Life

How much can you handle?

I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.Mother Teresa

How much can we handle? For some the flood of adversity is relentless and never seems to recede. For others things seem to sail smoothly, at least on the surface. Life isn’t a bed of roses, that’s for sure…

So how can we cope?

One way is to not conjure up a scary future. Stay in the moment, handle what’s on our plate for today, tomorrow will take care of itself.

Another is to have a deep and abiding faith in the goodness of God (Universe), and that all will work out for the best, for everyone.

Come to think of it, for us to be truly present to the day we must have faith that tomorrow will be just fine. Faith must come first and then the ability to stay in the moment!

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

Be the person you want to be

If you want a quality, act as if you already had it. Try the “as if” technique.William James

Making yourself believe that you can do or achieve something is to win more than half the battle. In psychology this method has been studied and ratified.

If you feel depressed, make the face of a happy person, start smiling and try to act as though things are just fine. You’ll feel better.

The reverse works too.

How many times have you been pulled down by how others are? Or by focusing on the negative, how often have you landed in a soup?

Thoughts do make things, believe it, act on it, and consequently manifest it!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction

Who do you trust?

The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength.A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

We all feel fear. Where does it come from?

It arises from a reliance on ourselves.

We think we can handle it all. At the same time, deep down, we feel inadequate. We feel that we’re not ultimately safe. The imbalance between what we think and what we are, creates the fear. Which leads to depression.

How do we change this?

By connecting to your deep self (which is light, love & joy), often. And by knowing that a greater intelligence, call it God, upholds us all, provides us strength and is there for us, at all times! Once we begin to rely on that great upholder more than on ourselves, our fear will dissipate.

Recommendation: A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

Time to soar!

One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.Helen Keller

How often do we detect a desire to go do something big or worthwhile, and how quickly do we shoot it down to return to our ‘comfort zone’? Or how quickly do we let others shoot down such ideas?

Catch yourself when you do that. Notice what comes up when you consciously or not, push your real self’s desires down. What kind of fear is it that stops us from even dreaming our dreams, let alone living them?

As we become more aware of such debilitating thought-habits, we can slowly escape from its clutches. We slowly become whole.

We are made to succeed, we’re made to be joyous and happy, don’t trample your birthright by succumbing to a lesser self!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts

The First Relationship

Your first relationship must be with yourself.Neale Donald Walsch

We must be peaceful first, we must be comfortable in our own skin first, we must know self first, before we can be truly happy.

Peace comes when the constant chatter in our mind begins to slow down and when we understand that we’re ultimately safe in God. Practice meditation.

Self-respect arrives when we accept ourselves just as we are, even though there’s lot’s to improve. It arrives when we’re not too concerned about what others think of us. Practice affirmations, recognize your own beauty.

Self-knowledge arises when we observe our habits, our tendencies, our assumptions and what drives us. Practice awareness.

When we have peace, self-respect and self-knowledge we know that true happiness can be sustained through a selfless approach towards others, an approach that leads to service.

Recommendation: The Urantia Book

The Comfort Zone!

In the heating and air conditioning trade, the point on the thermostat in which neither heating nor cooling must operate – around 72 degrees – is called “The Comfort Zone.” It’s also know as the “The Dead Zone.”Russell Bishop

Now we know where the concept of ‘The Comfort Zone’ came from! It’s actually quite appropriate that it’s also referred to as ‘The Dead Zone’. It’s the zone in which we can’t really grow. We just cruise along and soon enough we’re not happy with ourselves, our lives and the world!

So when that happens to you, look within and try to figure out how much of your life’s being lived in the dreaded comfort zone!

Awareness is always the first step, action comes next, the being must come first only then can the doing be appropriate and effective.

First Be then Do!

Recommendation: The Art of Being