Tag Archives: Gita

Where Art Thou?

10.17 … in meditation, how shall I ever know thee? And in what manifestations shall I think of thee, my Lord? The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10)

the cry

Arjuna, in this epic tale, implores the God Person, Krishna, to reveal to mankind how God is to be known and recognized. This is the archetypal call that each human makes, and must make, to understand reality and his place in the Universe. What are we crying for? What are you crying for?


In everything that we do, we’re seeking. We seek for our identity, our place, our call, our significance, really our raison d’être. And in that seeking is the journey experienced, and in experiencing that journey is found life’s meaning and a deep fulfillment. We are extremely fortunate. In ages to come, we’ll look back at this amazing, short, intense, birthing experience on this planet with longing. Never again will we experience life at this coarse level, never again will we enjoy so much meaning and learning in such a short period of time. Let’s live, love and learn, that’s the only way forward!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a seeker.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

The Truth We Often Overlook

10.10 To those who are ever in harmony, and who worship me with their love, I give the Yoga of vision and with this they come to me.

10.11 In my mercy I dwell in their hearts and I dispel their darkness of ignorance by the light of the lamp of wisdom. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10)

harmony and love

Harmony in mind and body allows us to focus on that which matters. We then realize that love is the way forward. Love of God and love of everyone else in our lives. Love becomes the means as well as the end…

the god within

It’s no small Truth that God resides within us. Just accepting this fact, in faith, opens new doors. When we accept this Truth, we give the Divine permission to be active in our lives. The more the Divine participates in our lives, the better off we are if we only allow it. Let’s remember this salient Truth, of God residing in our hearts, and accept the wisdom that can come our way!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM with the God within!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

The Grand Poobah!!

10.3 He who knows I am beginning-less, unborn, the Lord of all the worlds, this mortal is free from delusion…

10.8 I am the One source of all…The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10)


According to The Gita and some other holy texts, there’s essential knowledge that sets us free. Knowing that there’s one creator and one upholder is one such Truth. It frees us to not be fearful. This knowledge can add a spring to our walk. A whistle blows more easily through our lips when we feel ultimately safe. We’re now like children who know their parents are ever watchful and that there’s a home to always go back to!

now what?

With that freed state of mind as our daily possession, we can set our minds on that which is important. We can search and find our specific place in the Universe. What’s our daily purpose? What’s our life purpose? What mission are we to work on? What unique gift do we bring to the world? What adventure can we embark on next?

Daily Affirmation: Today I am Free!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Reach Any Goal

9.34 Give me thy mind and give me thy heart, give me thy offerings and thy adoration; and thus with thy soul in harmony, and making me thy goal supreme, thou shalt in truth come to me. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9)


The very basis and most goals of living are centered around relationships. A primary reason why God created everything was to share himself with his creation. He does that through his very presence within our core being. If we believe in God then the path toward him is through a relationship with him.

with our full being

The instructions given in this verse are comprehensive and allow us to reach any goal we desire. If we set our mind, whole-heartedly, on any goal and make it our prime objective then there’s every reason for us to succeed. Of course the goal of the ages and of most people is to reach God or ultimate reality. Similar to any other relationship, if we dedicate our self to God (the other person), making him the object of our desire then we must succeed!

Daily Affirmation: Today I give self to God.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Reach Eternal Certainty…

9.30 For even if the greatest sinner worships me with all his soul … he shall soon become pure and reach everlasting peace. For this is my word of promise, that he who loves me shall not perish. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9)


How often do we feel guilty during the course of a day? How much guilt do we carry around from other aspects of our lives? Guilt is a fancy albatross. There’s a way to toss it aside and become free…


The attitude of forgiveness is the secret ingredient to peace and to eternal salvation. God is ever willing to forgive and she does. Why? Because she understands our nature, our plight and our circumstances better than anyone else. We are her children. When we forgive others and self we pave the way open for God’s forgiveness and love to deeply satisfy our heart. In that space we can start healing. In God’s love and in loving others therefore, is the path to peace and eternal certainty…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM certain of God’s love for me.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

For The Love Of God…

9.29 I am the same to all beings, and my love is ever the same; but those who worship me with devotion, they are in me and I am in them. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9)

god of all

The one God is the God of all. God’s expression is through love, he loves us equally and is no respecter of persons. In other words he doesn’t favor one over another. When we experience love, we experience the very essence of the creator and his creation.

worshipping god

What does worshipping God mean? When we spend time with God, contemplating his personality, his vastness, and his love, then that constitutes worship of God. In that state we’re closer to God and can literally experience the love that he showers upon us.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM filled with God’s love.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Partner With God!

9.26 He who offers to me with devotion only a leaf, or a flower, or a fruit, or even a little water, this I accept from that yearning soul, because with a pure heart it was offered with love.

9.27 Whatever you do, or eat, or give, or offer in adoration, let it be an offering to me; and whatever you suffer, suffer it for me.The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9)

our motive

God recognizes our motive. There’s nothing we can give him except for our recognition of his primacy and his deep involvement in our lives. So when we acknowledge him and want to express it; anything that we offer is more than acceptable. No need to fast, or suffer, nor will any bribing work! That’s because God knows us intimately. He comforts us when we’re afraid and even recognizes why we are superstitious. But we needn’t be afraid, God underscores it all!

seeking partnership

God seeks an active partnership with us. The way to approach the creator is to do so actively; even moment to moment. One purpose of life is to increase our awareness of ‘All That Is’; such awareness increases dramatically when we live in the moment. We can more easily live in the moment when we involve God in our daily events. This is a great way to live a holy and spiritual life! Being in partnership with God can be simple!

Daily Affirmation: Today I partner with the Creator!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6