Tag Archives: fearless

How To Be Fearless

Fear condemns and love forgives. A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

fear & love

The epic battle between fear and love continues across the planet and in each of our lives. Whenever we’re unsettled, mad or anxious we’re in fear mode. The only possible antidote to fear, the thing that erases fear, is love. How can we cultivate love into every moment of our living?


Today I AM at peace because I forgive. I forgive so that I can be love-filled. To be love-filled is to be life full-filled. When I AM filled with love my life is a success, there is no other real measure. I AM loving…

Recommendation: A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

A Course in Miracles: Combined VolumeKindle Paperwhite, 6

Why We’ll Be Richer…

The great perfection lies in the fact that no matter what happens next, you’ll be richer for it. Much richer. The Universe

have faith

We must have faith. Everything in our lives works out for the best, it really does. If we can’t or won’t believe this truth then time will bear it out. In the meantime, if we can, let’s have faith…


I AM faithful. I surrender to God what must be his to do. I cannot figure it all out, but he already has it figured out! And that’s the good news. I AM letting go. All is well!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

How Much Can We Handle?

I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.  – Mother Teresa


How much can we handle? For some the flood of adversity is relentless and never seems to recede. For others things seem to sail smoothly, at least on the surface. Life isn’t a bed of roses, that’s for sure… So how can we cope? One way is to not conjure up a scary future. Stay in the moment, handle what’s on our plate for today, tomorrow will take care of itself. Another is to have a deep and abiding faith in the goodness of God (Universe), and that all will work out for the best, for everyone. Come to think of it, for us to be truly present to the day we must have faith that tomorrow will be just fine. Faith must come first and then the ability to stay in the moment!


Today I AM resting easy. I know God is my parent. He’s ever watchful. He goes with me and is available whenever I need him. I AM guided and protected. Nothing truly catastrophic can happen. I AM safe and loved. I AM happy with right Now. All is well!

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Handle Fear

Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop.  – Krishnamurti

the ‘lovely’ cycle

The big life inhibitor is fear. When fear is present love cannot exist. When love isn’t present our connection to ‘that which underlies it all’ cannot exist. That creates a vicious cycle. The more we fear or focus on fear, the more fearful we become. Instead lets focus on creating the virtuous cycle of love:

It begins with our attitude toward ourselves and the world. We must accept ourselves; love our selves. That allows us to have a positive outlook toward others. Positive energy and circumstances begin to flow into our lives. This starts to build and sustain the ‘lovely’ cycle.


Today I AM reigniting my faith in Goodness. I know I AM loved and because of that I like myself. I AM valuable just the way I AM. God created me for a reason. I embrace that reason, which is me. I love everyone in turn. Love is the currency of the Universe!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About by Leo F. Buscaglia

Love: What Life Is All AboutKindle Paperwhite, 6

Why Each Day Is New!

Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?L.M. Montgomery

a new day!

Tomorrow is a new day! This next moment is a fresh moment! A moment in which we can reset life, gain a new perspective, become more courageous and face life like the children of God that we are! How will we accept this treasure, this gift, called Time?


Today I seize each moment as a fresh one! I AM starting anew. I let the shackles from yesterday drop. I adorn hope, which is tomorrow. I AM a child of God and welcome this never-ending and ever-expanding adventure called Life!

Recommendation: Life’s Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding LifeKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Banish Fear!

The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength.  – A Course in Miracles (ACIM)


We feel fear when things are going wrong or threaten to go wrong. We feel fear because we’re not in control. The truth is that we really aren’t. Because God is real, he must be real in our own lives. When he’s real to us we can’t be fearful of any outcome. God has us and his entire creation in the palm of his hand. We’re safe and life is good! Let’s trust him and have faith.


Today I AM trusting God to handle life for me. He’s the master creator, I AM his creation. He knows me inside and out. He knows what’s best for me. Today I will allow life to flow through me. I trust the Universe. I trust myself to let go…

Recommendation: A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

A Course in Miracles: Combined VolumeKindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Eliminate Fear…

Where love is, fear cannot be…NamasteNow!


A friend shared the following via Whatsapp the other day: ‘Life begins where fear ends’. In the ensuing discussion I asked him: ‘how does one end fear’? That has to be one of the most important questions that we ought to answer for our selves.


Truly where love exists there’s no place for fear. We might feel fear the moment after we’ve experienced pure love, but the two cannot co-exist. That explains why the masters exhort us to love one another. If we can focus on and cultivate love then there’s not going to be much fear in our lives…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM loving…

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Paperwhite, 6