Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop. – Krishnamurti
the ‘lovely’ cycle
The big life inhibitor is fear. When fear is present love cannot exist. When love isn’t present our connection to ‘that which underlies it all’ cannot exist. That creates a vicious cycle. The more we fear or focus on fear, the more fearful we become. Instead lets focus on creating the virtuous cycle of love:
It begins with our attitude toward ourselves and the world. We must accept ourselves; love our selves. That allows us to have a positive outlook toward others. Positive energy and circumstances begin to flow into our lives. This starts to build and sustain the ‘lovely’ cycle.
Today I AM reigniting my faith in Goodness. I know I AM loved and because of that I like myself. I AM valuable just the way I AM. God created me for a reason. I embrace that reason, which is me. I love everyone in turn. Love is the currency of the Universe!
Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About by Leo F. Buscaglia