Tag Archives: affirmations

How Do We View Life?

There’s no blessing that can’t be a disaster, and no disaster that can’t be a blessing. Richard Bach

a blessing

Generally after a terrible event occurs we have to wait a real long time to understand what good might come from it. After the massacre in South Carolina last year, lo-behold there was a miracle of grace and faith. Most families simply and genuinely forgave the wielder of that horrendous and unthinkable violence. It was a great testament to their faith in God and God’s love in their life.


Today I AM ready to forgive one and all. God gives me the strength I need to withstand the ‘terrible’ things in my life. I will survive and I will triumph when I partner with my Father!

Recommendation: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston SeagullIllusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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How To Find Untold Happiness!

Q: How do you find love, health, abundance, and enlightenment?
A: Stop searching and start seeing what’s been there all along.

Mike Dooley

it’s here!

When we recognize and appreciate what we already possess, then more of the same will be attracted into our lives…


Today I AM thankful for the love and health I AM enjoying! Life is good!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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How To Move On…

The fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation.Abraham

make peace

To escape to or move to another situation from a current one we must be cool with what has happened already. Only then can we dream of and envision something better or different…


Today I AM ok with what is. I AM looking for what can be!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

 The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of AbrahamKindle Paperwhite, 6

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Affirmations For Healthy Living 3!

15) The energy in what I eat sustains me, and I honor that fact by preparing my meals with gratitude, mindfulness, and a loving heart. —Nathalie W. Herrman

16) Pure spiritual and physical nourishment is what enables me to give to others, and so I make it a priority.

17) I get plenty of sleep every night. My body appreciates how I take care of it. —Louise Hay

18) I eat only what I need, and I stop before I feel uncomfortable or overly full.

19) What matters to me is my health, not the opinions of others, and so I take care of my body rather than trying to change it in unhealthy ways.

20) I accept the limitations of doctors and look within to improve the quality of my health. —Nathalie W. Herrman

21) Finding new ways to eat healthfully is empowering and puts me in control. 

34 Affirmations for Healthy Living

healthy living

We have it in us to be masters of our body and appetites. Let’s regain control and make ourselves healthy in mind, body and spirit!


Today I AM regaining control over my appetites. I eat healthy so that my body can be perfectly healthy. Each cell in my body vibrates with pure energy. I feel great energy surging inside me and I seldom get tired!

Recommendation: The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You HaveKindle Paperwhite, 6

Affirmations For Healthy Living 2!

8) I enjoy being in my body, and I nourish it each day. —Isha Lerner

9) I enjoy healthy food without guilt. I reject society’s shaming of food for myself and for those around me.

10) I take time to get outside. Our body is the accumulation of our past. Our breath unites our body and mind in the present moment. Go for a walk outside, preferably in beautiful surroundings. —Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

11) I do not take my breath and beating heart for granted. I am grateful to be alive. —Nathalie W. Herrman

12) Nutrition is a keystone for everything I do, so I make it an important part of my life and set aside time to eat well.

13) I enjoy foods that are best for my body. When I eat my greens, I feel energized and abundant. —Louise Hay

14) I expect a lot from my body every day, so I affirm its right to expect healthy fuel from me. 

34 Affirmations for Healthy Living

healthy living

We should respect the fine bodily mechanism that we inhabit. What a gift it is. How do we use it? What do we expect from it? How do we care for it?


Today I respect my body and AM grateful for it. I continue to eat well, breathe in deeply and trust that all is well, just like my body!

Recommendation: The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You HaveKindle Paperwhite, 6

Affirmations For Healthy Living 1!

1) Each bite of food contains the life of the sun and the earth. The whole universe is in a piece of bread. —Thich Nhat Hanh

2) I choose well so that I can feel well. —Nathalie W. Herrman

3) Preparing fresh, healthy meals instead of processed food is an act of love toward myself and those I cook for.

4) I live healthfully for myself but also for the ones I love so that they may be empowered to improve their health as well.

5) I’m honest with myself about the reality of what and how I eat. —Nathalie W. Herrman

6) I breathe deeply and fully. I take in the breath of life, and I am nourished. —Louise Hay

7) Clean, pure water is a precious gift, and I drink it abundantly and gratefully… 

34 Affirmations for Healthy Living

healthy living

Our bodies are temples of God. It’s our duty to take good care of this earthly tabernacle. Let’s affirm that we will!


Today I AM a perfectly healthy body. I take care of myself because I matter. I eat and drink only the best because my body matters. I AM a child of God and therefore in perfect health!

Recommendation: The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You HaveKindle Paperwhite, 6