Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God. – Maya Angelou (her last tweet)
Maya Angelou just passed into the next realm. God bless her. She was a spiritual being with a lot of great advice and example for all of us.
‘Tall and regal, with a deep, majestic voice, Angelou defied all probability and category, becoming one of the first black women to enjoy mainstream success as an author and thriving in virtually every artistic medium. The young single mother who performed at strip clubs to earn a living later wrote and recited the most popular presidential inaugural poem in history. The childhood victim of rape wrote a million-selling memoir, befriended Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and performed on stages around the world.’ – MSN News
her secret
Watch this short (3 minute snippet) interview that Maya did with Oprah. In it she reveals the simple secret that can keep us all happy, today, now actually…
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM safe in God’s love…
Recommendation: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle