How To Live Strong!

Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.Kenneth Hildebrand

a life of purpose

Your purpose, what is it?

Let’s dissect further. You.

  • Who are you?
  • What’s your place in this Universe?
  • Where are you headed?
  • Why do you matter?

It’s your purpose next.

  • Why do you exist?
  • What meaning does your life and activities have?
  • What difference are you meant to make?

If you haven’t examined your self and your life purpose, now is the time!


I AM a purposeful child of God! I AM directed by Spirit and am confident that I AM moving in the right direction. Everywhere I look I see signs that guide me. God has a divine purpose for me. I discover a bit of that purpose daily. I understand why people are so important. I care more for people than things. I look for opportunities to love and serve. I AM supremely thankful for this gift that I AM living.

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

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