Be patient. Be wise in your counsel and eloquent in your lives. – The Urantia Papers
be patient
What does it mean to be patient? To me it means being patient first with self. We shouldn’t have expectations that create a life that’s too hectic, one that allows not for true rest and reflection. It also means be patient with all others; don’t want others to live at the same pace we want to live. It means being patient with all other things in life. Flow with life; don’t feel anxious when things don’t transpire just the way we expect them to. Try to see the purpose in everything.
eloquent life
We should be wise in our counsel to others; give advice only when asked for it; and apply our words to the person and the situation. Eloquence in our lives comes from living the life that we preach or aspire to. Let others imbibe in what we most want them to know through how we live our life. Words are not necessary.
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM living eloquently!
Recommendation: The Urantia Papers