How To Be Happier!

Your happiness grows in direct proportion to your acceptance and in inverse proportion to your expectations. Michael J. Fox


Wow isn’t that true? When we accept life as it is, flow with the river that is time, we experience an equanimity, we experience peace. We can still have ambitions and goals but we don’t tie self to the outcome that’s all. We understand that all life and its experiences have a purpose and we try to fathom that purpose. In addition, when we have no expectations of anyone else our life problems are solved! Doesn’t mean that we don’t tell others what bothers us, but we’re not hurt by what they say or do. How? By understanding their humanness and by knowing that we decide how we react, not they.


Today I AM accepting life just as it is. I AM accepting everyone just as they are. I expect life to be great, that’s all, without being specific. I AM happy and I deserve to be!

Recommendation: Ljving the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

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