He who would be greatest among you, let him become server of all. – Jesus, The Urantia Papers
the big picture
Forget what society tells us, forget what we’ve been raised to believe, instead listen to what Spirit urges us to do…
Spiritual realities underscore our total existence. Our existence is like the visible spectrum of light. It’s such a tiny portion of the total light spectrum, which is like the Spirit world. Amazing things and much greater pursuits are in store for us once we’re done with this short but intense life experience on our planet.
Deep inside us but also in the periphery of our thoughts sits the Spirit. It’s constantly looking to impress upon us greater realities. It tries and sometimes succeeds. When we experience ‘peace beyond all understanding’ then we’re following the leading of the Spirit. Spirit always leads us towards service and love for one and all!
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a loving servant of all!
Recommendation: The Urantia Papers