Life changes for the better when we realize that we don’t have to know everything and we don’t have to pretend we do. – Simon Sinek
know it all
We strut around as people who know it all. If you have a question we can answer it for you! If you don’t know the right answer we can correct you. Unfortunately this pose hurts us more than it helps…
no pretensions
What if we took the opposite tack? That we don’t know much, others will give us the answer, the Universe will lead us forward and that all is well…
Now suddenly the burden is off our shoulders. People like us more. Delicious ‘coincidences’ start to occur. And Life provides all the clues and answers we need. This way of being is the Natural way and it really works, let’s try it today!
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM flowing with Nature…
Recommendation: Start with Why by Simon Sinek