Holding a grudge does no one any good, and rarely achieves the result of hurting or damaging the one you cannot forgive. – Neale Donald Walsch
Holding a grudge is like carrying an albatross around our neck. It weighs us down and we get used to it. That, just like any extra body weight, is dangerous in the long run. A grudge can be something as little as resenting someone’s tone of voice. We must actively recognize any grudges we hold and let them go…
letting go
If we can’t forgive then the associated grudge will drag around with us and keep hurting us even when we don’t realize. It’ll poison our relationships with not just that one person but with others. It’ll probably cause a back-ache, lack of energy or other physical symptoms. To be emotionally and physically healthy, we must truly forgive!
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM forgiving one and all!
Recommendation: The Only Thing That Matters by Neale Donald Walsch