Certainty About God

Increasing happiness is always the experience of all who are certain about God.The Urantia Papers

ultimate safety

When you’re certain about God, then you’re certain about your ultimate safety in a creation that’s vouchsafed by a benevolent creator. From a long term perspective, you have nothing to be worried or concerned about.

time to focus on what’s real

When your worries diminish and you understand the futility of the rat race, then you’re free to:

  • Spend time on what will truly fulfill you, your Life Purpose
  • And things that count for the longer run, like people and relationships

Daily Affirmation: I am a child of God. God keeps me safe today and forever.

Recommendation: God Is Closer Than You Think

God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet GodKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)