Be, Happy, Now.
all is well
In this very moment, unless we actively think about a ‘problem’, there is no problem. All is truly well. So, just Be. And. Smile. Now, experience being happy, revel in that.
all is well
In this very moment, unless we actively think about a ‘problem’, there is no problem. All is truly well. So, just Be. And. Smile. Now, experience being happy, revel in that.
For a reason lost to antiquity we’ve forgotten from whence we came. Apparently it was our decision to do so, which is why God cannot force herself into our consciousness. We must decide to go back by demolishing the barriers we’ve created between us and God. Prayer and genuine effort at reconciliation goes a long way.
our only love
We’re seeking ultimate satisfaction. We cry for love and crave for attention. We want to be heard and to matter. No earthly goal or desire has yet been able to deliver, and never will. That’s because we seek ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment. Only realization of ultimate reality will do the trick. If we’re not clear about what we seek, we’ll never be satisfied, happy or fulfilled.
come back
We’ve been on a misadventure. When we wish we can go back home. When we’ve had enough we can all head back home to safety. Actually we’re already home, when we really want we can decide to wake up from this dream.
‘This world is not real’. Come back with me. Come back.
Could it be that we’re living in a mass, self-perpetuated hallucination or a virtual reality world? Can it be that, like what some religions suggest, we’re living in an illusory reality, a dream? And if so, how can we wake up from it? How can we be awake to our true nature?
labor day
Yesterday was Labor Day in the United States. What’s the purpose of any or all work? The purpose of anything that we do in life must be to fulfill ourselves deeply, to be genuinely happy and to experience peace. According to the Bhagavad Gita, the purpose of life, and therefore work, is to realize our true identity within this reality. And one express way to achieve that goal is to consecrate all activity, all work, to the Divine.
everyone, everything, every time
Love is the very substance of everything. This isn’t a trite statement. The substance of everything is God, who is nothing but love. And that’s the very reason why if and when we love everyone, everything, we connect directly to our own substance. That’s the only way back home into the arms of God.