Afraid to look bad?

Show me a guy who’s afraid to look bad and I’ll show you a guy you can beat every time.Rene Auberjonois

When we’re not sure of ourselves, we don’t act with that confidence that’s necessary to be effective as human beings. That lack of confidence is mostly due to a lack of self-esteem or worthiness.

Why are you worthy?

That’s the question to ask yourself. Instead we repeat negative affirmations to ourselves that ensure our lack of self-esteem. We must catch ourselves doing that and instead use positive affirmations like the following:

  • There is only one Presence and one Power in the Universe, God the Good, Omnipotent. This Power expresses Life, Love, Wisdom and Abundance through me. In it, I live and move and have my being.
  • I experience the peace of God as I relax into the quiet calm within my soul.
  • The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us; the power of God protects us; the presence of God watches over us; wherever we are, God is.
  • Divine love, flowing through me, blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive.

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind