A unified you!

Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others. – Wilfred Peterson

At the deepest level, how you are with yourself can’t be very different from how you are with others. If it is different then you’re creating a disjointed you; in other words you create a dysfunctional you, a self that’s conflicted about how to relate to everyone out there. A self that is confused.

The way out is to be honest with yourself. What does honesty have to do with anything you might ask? We must become aware of what we think of our own selves, as much as what we think of others. The two are inseparable.

So start by being gentle and loving with yourself, watch what you say to yourself or about yourself, notice this all day. Don’t second guess yourself, don’t short change yourself. And then if you’re being honest you’ll automatically be like that with everyone else.

You will start creating a unified you!


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