This One Secret Does Wonders!

Many of the moments ahead will be marvelously disguised as ordinary days…  – Douglas Pagels


Life is ordinary if we deem it as such. In the daily routine our life becomes just that, another routine. We wake up and head to work or do our usual thing very hypnotically. We tend to anticipate better times ahead therein losing the magic of the moment!

the secret

The secret is to pretend that each moment is a gift. It is. We should stop taking each moment for granted. Using each moment to the fullest may mean pursuing our dreams, going for a hike or just watching a movie with family. Let’s imbue each precious moment with the importance it does have. Let’s fully inhabit each moment, this moment, now…

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM living each moment!

Recommendation: Savor This Moment by Karla Dornacher

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