That Which Never Ends

Love never ends.Corinthians


What is reality? The one thing that stands out most when prophets, mystics, monks, yogis and people of God talk about their spiritual experiences, is love. Many scriptures declare that love is the be all, it’s the summary, it’s the distillation of all things religion, all things good, and God.

eternal life

We all want to live forever. The sure way to achieve eternal life is to identify with reality, to practice and to become love itself.

Love Steps:

  • Receive God’s love
  • Forgive yourself and all others
  • Love all, including yourself
  • Serve everyone while living your passion

Recommendation: The Center Within

The Center Within: Lessons from Heart of the Urantia RevelationKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)