Tag Archives: Truth

A life of purpose…

Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.Kenneth Hildebrand

Your purpose, what is it?

Let’s dissect further. You.

  • Who are you?
  • What’s your place in this Universe?
  • Where are you headed?
  • Why do you matter?

It’s your purpose next.

  • Why do you exist?
  • What meaning does your life and activities have?
  • What difference are you meant to make?

If you haven’t examined your self and your life purpose, now is the time!


Recommendation: True Purpose & The Life Purpose Coach

An infinite capacity…

I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done.Henry Ford

Henry Ford knew that he wanted folks with enthusiasm and passion, folks with the spirit that would push beyond obstacles considered impossible with prior knowledge!

What we know sometimes works against us. Humanity has an often hidden indomitable spirit which cannot spring into action if we’re not psychologically ready.

To achieve the difficult and even the impossible, our frame of mind must be one of extreme positivity and selective ignorance.

After all we create our own future!

Recommendation: Beyond the Summit by Todd Skinner

What’s the cost?

There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.John F. Kennedy

What’s the cost of your inaction today? How long will you stay in your comfort zone, essentially fooling yourself?

Time for some self-examination and truth telling!

Here are some ways in which we might be selling ourselves short:

  1. Not expressing love because we feel shy or lazy.
  2. Not saying yes to an opportunity because we’re afraid.
  3. Saying yes to too much work because work is our comfort zone!
  4. Being lazy about our health because the opposite is hard work.

So you see our ‘comfort zone’ comes in many varieties, let’s be aware of them, and assert our will, for what is truly good for us.

Recommendation: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

How are you disabled?

Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.BF Skinner

Society provides many benefits but it hobbles us more than we think.

How are you conditioned by your circumstances? How were you conditioned by your culture growing up? How is your world-view shaped?

These are important questions to ask ourselves so that we know what subtle assumptions shape us, our beliefs and therefore our happiness and relationships. This is yet another way in which we live our lives hypnotized, skimming the surface of life, not really knowing what we miss!

Wake up to the real you, reclaim your heritage via correct thinking and awareness!

Recommendation: Awakening of IntelligenceJ Krishnamurti

Be the person you want to be

If you want a quality, act as if you already had it. Try the “as if” technique.William James

Making yourself believe that you can do or achieve something is to win more than half the battle. In psychology this method has been studied and ratified.

If you feel depressed, make the face of a happy person, start smiling and try to act as though things are just fine. You’ll feel better.

The reverse works too.

How many times have you been pulled down by how others are? Or by focusing on the negative, how often have you landed in a soup?

Thoughts do make things, believe it, act on it, and consequently manifest it!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction

The Comfort Zone!

In the heating and air conditioning trade, the point on the thermostat in which neither heating nor cooling must operate – around 72 degrees – is called “The Comfort Zone.” It’s also know as the “The Dead Zone.”Russell Bishop

Now we know where the concept of ‘The Comfort Zone’ came from! It’s actually quite appropriate that it’s also referred to as ‘The Dead Zone’. It’s the zone in which we can’t really grow. We just cruise along and soon enough we’re not happy with ourselves, our lives and the world!

So when that happens to you, look within and try to figure out how much of your life’s being lived in the dreaded comfort zone!

Awareness is always the first step, action comes next, the being must come first only then can the doing be appropriate and effective.

First Be then Do!

Recommendation: The Art of Being

Security and opportunity…

There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity.General Douglas Macarthur

Ultimate security, of the spiritual kind,  can be had. Material security just isn’t possible because our body has to perish sooner or later…

Opportunity abounds, if we only look and act. Interestingly those whose life is about to be cut short, witness Randy Pausch’s life, appear to make most of opportunities available to them!

Why is that?

How come the rest of us, who seem to think we live forever, often ignore opportunities even when such opportunities land in front of us!?

  • How can we not miss such opportunities?
  • How can we live secure lives and still jump at opportunities as though we had less than a year to live?
  • When will we truly value what we have, in us and around us?

Recommendation: The Last Lecture