Tag Archives: thinking

Why We Suffer…

Our limited perspective, our hopes and fears become our measure of life, and when circumstances don’t fit our ideas, they become our difficulties.Ben Franklin

limited perspective

Our ‘limited perspective’ guides how we view life and is the main reason we suffer the way we do. How can we expand our perspective? How can we step back and rise above-it-all?


Today I AM still and am listening to the ‘voice’ within. I AM guided and protected…

Recommendation: A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

 A Course in Miracles: Combined VolumeKindle Paperwhite, 6

When Will Life Begin?

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin—real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.Richard Carlson

life begins…

Right now! Life has now begun. We have accomplished what we set out to do. How will we relish what we have and what we are? How will we celebrate?


I have arrived. I AM complete. I spend my days focused on being love…

Recommendation: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff--and it's all small stuff (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series)Kindle Paperwhite, 6

How We Create…

A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.Ken Keyes, Jr.


Our life mirrors us, exactly. Are we pleased with what we’re creating and attracting? Are we pleased with life itself? Are we pleased with us?


Today I AM pleased. Life is good. All is well. There’s nothing else I need to do.

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

How To Understand More…

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert Einstein


Just like we are, Nature itself is an expression of the Divine. Nature is connected and reveals its secrets if we but pay attention. We’re an integral part of it and can realize that when we look closer…


Today I AM getting close to Nature. Nature is refreshing and releasing. I AM Nature, I AM natural and I AM super-natural, all at the same time…

Recommendation: Passionate Presence

Passionate Presence: Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened AwarenessKindle Paperwhite, 6

What’s Wrong With This World?

Dear Sirs,

I Am.

G.K. Chesterton

what’s wrong?

‘The Times once sent out an inquiry to famous authors, asking the question, “What’s wrong with the world today?” and Chesterton responded simply’, as above…


Today I AM accepting full responsibility for who I AM. I AM changing, I AM more positively inclined, I AM choosing to serve and love others…

Recommendation: The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal LifeKindle Paperwhite, 6